[단독] Sharing illegal filmings on pornographic sites… Police initiated investigation of’The Second Soranet’

70,000 members by signing up without authentication

Can’t block access due to delay in the configuration of the CSC

Investigation of possessions and distributors other than the operator

The first screen of an illegal obscene site that the police launched an investigation into. /Site capture

The police launched a full-fledged investigation into an obscene site that shared illegal sexual exploitation including minors. It has been confirmed that the site, which has nearly 70,000 members, has produced and distributed illegal filmings aimed at women enough to be referred to as the’second soranet’. However, the supervisory body, which has to block access to the site, is unable to issue a correction order due to the absence of a new member.

/Image Today

On the 11th, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s Cyber ​​Investigation Unit announced that it has recently initiated an investigation of illegal obscene site operators and site members with a similar name to a media outlet in Korea under the direction of the National Police Agency.

According to the police, members of the site produced and distributed illegal sexual exploits including minors through bulletin boards such as’directly taken (directly taken) album’ and’directly taken video’. They have been sharing illegal films by posting illegal materials that they have photographed or obtained on the site to accumulate points and use the accumulated points to purchase other users’ data. In the process, it is known that photos of victims of’studio shooting sexual violence’, which were first known as accusations of Yang Ye-won in 2018, as well as photos illegally taken in women’s bathrooms at a parent company were also distributed.

A bulletin board for sharing illegal filmings of illegal obscene sites that the police initiated investigation./Site capture

As the name of the site is similar to that of a domestic media, and it is exposed to the top of overseas search engines such as Google when searching the Internet, the police have requested the Korea Communications Commission to block access as soon as possible. However, after the term of office of the 4th vigilantes ended in January, the appointment process for new members has not been completed, so access has not been blocked yet. An official from the Security Council said, “We are constantly requesting the site to delete the damaged video,” and “However, as the 5th committee was delayed, the blocking measures are not being implemented.”

It was found that 70,000 members are currently active on the site, which was opened last July. The average number of visitors per day is about 30,000, and the cumulative number of visitors is over 2 million. An official from the Seoul Police Agency explained, “In order to prevent secondary damage, we are investigating a wide range of users who possess and distribute illegal filming materials in addition to the site operator.”

Earlier on the 4th, a message urging an investigation into the site was posted on the Blue House National Petition bulletin board. Petitioner said, “The site created for the purpose of illegally operated sex crimes is being exposed at the top of the portal search,” and appealed, “Please take measures to prevent further victims from occurring”. By this afternoon, over 8,400 people agreed to the post.

/ Reporter Han Min-gu [email protected], Reporter Gu Amo [email protected]

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