[단독] On-site inspection of the ’30 million won show’

President Moon Jae-in visits Osan High School in Seoul, which was prepared as a separate test site for self-quarantine candidates, on the afternoon of the 29th, four days before the 2021 college entrance exam, and checks the preparation for the SAT.  President Moon sits directly at the student's desk with partitions installed. Reporter Chungwoo Lee on November 29, 2020

picture explanationPresident Moon Jae-in visits Osan High School in Seoul, which was prepared as a separate test site for self-quarantine candidates, on the afternoon of the 29th, four days before the 2021 college entrance exam, and checks the preparation for the SAT. President Moon sits directly at the student’s desk with partitions installed. Reporter Chungwoo Lee on November 29, 2020

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It was belatedly revealed that the’SAT quarantine field inspection’ of the Ministry of Education, held at a high school in Yongsan, Seoul, on November 29, which was four days before the 2021 college entrance exam, was conducted as a’outsourcing event’ with a service cost of 30 million won. President Moon Jae-in, Deputy Prime Minister Yoo Eun-hye and Minister of Education, and Seoul Superintendent Cho Hee-yeon attended the on-site inspection event.

According to the’SAT quarantine field inspection event data’ submitted by Congressman Kim Byeong-wook of the National Assembly Board of Education on the 25th, the Ministry of Education signed a service contract with an event agency on the 27th of last month, two days before the on-site inspection of the test site.

Event service fee of 30 million won, used for 30 minutes of real-time video conference

Part of the Ministry of Education's '2021 SAT quarantine field inspection event service contract'. [자료=김병욱 의원실]

picture explanationPart of the Ministry of Education’s ‘2021 SAT quarantine field inspection event service contract’. [자료=김병욱 의원실]

The event service estimate contains items that are irrelevant to checking the test site quarantine preparation status. In the details of the estimate, △Event planning and production: 1 million won △Event hall window fog sheet paper 1.8 million won △ Overall meeting progress setting and console operation labor cost 800,000 won △ Sound system 6.1 million won △ Video system 5.7 million won △ Lighting system 800,000 won △ Event power generation car and reserve It included 2.8 million won in electricity.

The cost of these detailed items was calculated to be 2,296 million won, including the expenses for the event and other expenses. The remaining expenses included 1.84 million won for general management, 2.48 million won for agency profit, and 2.72 million won for VAT.

Part of the Ministry of Education's plan to hold field inspections related to SAT quarantine for the 2021 school year (draft). [자료=김병욱 의원실]

picture explanationPart of the Ministry of Education’s plan to hold field inspections related to SAT quarantine for the 2021 school year (draft). [자료=김병욱 의원실]

The on-site inspection event took 50 minutes from arrival to the school gate. The self-quarantine person listened to the explanation of the quarantine measures at a separate testing room for 20 minutes, and after inspecting the student’s movements such as the test room, waiting room, and toilet, he checked the quarantine uniforms and changing rooms of the SAT supervisor. After 30 minutes, a real-time video conference was held with the principal of a high school in Busan, the scholar of the Jeonnam Office of Education, and the parents of test takers working from home. Most of the event service cost was spent on preparing the 30-minute video conference. Sound, video, lighting equipment, consoles, power generation vehicles, spare power, and directing were unnecessary to examine the quarantine preparations at the test site.

The on-site inspection event of the Ministry of Education, attended by President Moon, was held for the purpose of final inspection of the preparations for quarantine at the test site. It was a plan to ask for quarantine so that the risk of infection by the examinees and the community could be minimized. An official from the Ministry of Education said, “As of November 26, the spread of Corona 19 was increasing,” and “The on-site inspection event was conducted with contents to check how we are preparing for quarantine at the SAT examination site and inform the public.” Explained.

Criticism of “focus on the emphasis on’K quarantine’ rather than on-site inspection of the test site”

Real-time video conference for on-site inspection of the 2021 SAT. [사진=연합뉴스]

picture explanationReal-time video conference for on-site inspection of the 2021 SAT. [사진=연합뉴스]

However, there are criticisms that it was an event that focused on promoting’K Defense’ rather than on-site inspection of the SAT exam site. At this meeting, President Moon said, “The results of Korea’s general election have been highly praised by many countries, saying,’The quarantine model country has made another example in the election quarantine’.” “We are watching with extraordinary interest in taking the test, including the confirmed and quarantined subjects.”

It is difficult to understand that 30 million won was spent on the 30-minute ceremonial video conference. Regarding the Corona 19 situation, the Ministry of Education held several video conferences this year with students, parents, and teachers, but did not sign a separate service contract. The `Parent Meeting for Child Care Support`, held at the end of August at the Education Facility Disaster Mutual Aid Association in Yeouido, Seoul, presided over by Deputy Prime Minister Yoo, was also held in a real-time video conferencing method. Did.

President Moon Jae-in is walking through the corridor of Osango, Seoul, where he visited for the field inspection of the 2021 SAT. [사진=연합뉴스]

picture explanationPresident Moon Jae-in is walking through the corridor of Osango in Seoul, where he visited for the 2021 SAT quarantine field inspection. [사진=연합뉴스]

When the on-site inspection event was held last month, test takers were generally cynical. One test taker said, “I am afraid of getting corona infection at the SAT exam, so I am very careful about going to the bathroom, but adults seem to be full of thoughts of bragging about K quarantine.” On the other hand, there was also a response saying, “I was relieved to reconfirm that the SAT will not be postponed.”

The event service cost, which went into the on-site inspection of the SAT test center, is the second highest among the five event service contracts signed by the Ministry of Education this year. The’Korean version of the New Deal, Going to the Field-Smart Green Smart School Event’ held in June incurred 76.73 million won in service costs.

[문광민 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
