[단독] LH employee Siheung land illegal trait change… Lasted for 3 years even with a corrective order

Input 2021.03.08 16:00

It was confirmed that one of the lands in Siheung City, Gyeonggi Province where employees of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) bought, had’illegal changes in traits’. LH employees have received a total of four corrective orders from Siheung City Hall over the past three years since the detection in 2018, but they have not yet properly restored them to their original state.

341 Mujinae-dong, Siheung-si, owned by an LH employee who visited on the morning of the 8th. / Reporter Ko Seong-min

According to Siheung City on the 8th, 341 Mujinae-dong, Siheung City, owned by LH employees, received a corrective order from Siheung City Hall after an illegal trait change was detected at the end of 2018. Since then, it has received a total of four corrective orders, but it has not been restored to its original state until now.

LH employees purchased the land for 1.94 billion won in April 2018. Two people, including Park Mo, who served as LH Gwacheon Uiwang Project Manager, and Kang Mo, who was in charge of land compensation at LH Gwacheon Uiwang Project Group, purchased a total of 4 people with their families. The site is all and the area is 5905m2.

Characteristic change refers to the act of changing the shape of the land by cutting, embedding, or paving the land for reasons other than the purpose of cultivation. In a special management area, land must not be changed without permission or report according to the Special Act on Public Housing. This is to minimize damage and prevent difficult development. Gwangmyeong Siheung District was designated as a Bogeumjari District in the past and then re-designated as a special management area. 341 Mujinae-dong, included in this district, is also designated as a special management area.

The reason why this site was detected by Siheung City Hall for change of character is that rubble was arbitrarily paved on the land entry and exit route. It was in late 2018 that such a change in the bottom part was first detected in Siheung City. In addition to two corrective orders from 2019 to 2020, a total of four correction orders were imposed until the notification of the urgency to implement the restoration in November last year.

However, the trait change has not yet been corrected. When the reporter visited 341 Mujinae-dong this morning, rubble was evenly distributed over 10m near the entrance and exit road.

There are rubble on the entrance and exit road of 341 Mujinae-dong, Siheung-si, owned by an LH employee who visited on the morning of the 8th. The name of this site is Jeon (田·field). / Reporter Ko Seong-min

If a character is changed without proper permission in a special management area, a corrective order, such as restoration, is issued, and if it is not implemented, a compulsory performance fee is imposed. The land was to be used only as the designation, Jeon (田), but because it was arbitrarily packaged and changed in shape, it was obligated to restore it to its original state. If the restoration is not continued, a judicial accusation may be filed at the discretion of the city hall.

According to the Special Public Housing Act, the city hall is required to issue a correction order in a fixed period, and if it is not fulfilled within the corrective period, a compulsory performance fee is imposed immediately. This lot has not been restored to its original state for three years since the initial detection at the end of 2018, but no enforcement fee was actually imposed.

Regarding this, the official of Siheung City said, “If correction is not made within one month after the normal disposition, a compulsory performance fee will be imposed.” “I didn’t charge gold.”

He continued, “After issuing a dunning letter in November of last year, the landowner informed the city hall that it had been restored to its original state, but when I went to the site, it was not completely restored to its original state, so it has not yet received a corrective order.”
