[단독] ‘Left broadcaster judicial treatment’… MB NIS also pushed for prosecution


At the time of the Lee Myung-bak administration, the situation was revealed that the National Intelligence Service even moved to the prosecution to dominate the broadcasting. JTBC has obtained a document from the National Intelligence Service containing this information. There is a blatant order to thoroughly investigate broadcasters critical of the government and speed up trials.

This is reporter Lee Hee-jung.


This is a document reported by the National Intelligence Service to the Blue House of the Lee Myung-bak administration in September 2010.

From the title, it is’Eradication of biased broadcasting by enforcing judicial treatment, which is a left-wing broadcaster’.

The content is a report on how the National Intelligence Service moved the prosecution to take control of the broadcast.

At the time, the NIS analyzed that the prosecution was lukewarm in the judicial treatment of broadcasters who were critical of the government because of public opinion.

Based on this analysis, it appears that the prosecution has been asked to conduct a thorough investigation and maintain prosecution, and it appears that it has put in all orders from reinvestigation orders to requests to speed up the trial.

In fact, the prosecution sought a medium sentence of up to three years and six months in prison for the executives of the national press union, who held a general strike three months after the report was made.

The NIS document also mentions the need for pressure on the police, but the police movement has since become harsh.

Broadcaster Kim Mi-hwa was investigated by the police four times in four months because of his writing on social media.

It is said that the police ran into the studio just before the live radio broadcast and asked for a script.

[김미화/방송인 : 질문에 대해서 먼저 알고 싶어 하는 상황이었던 거잖아요. 뭔가를 사찰하거나, 아니면 (질문을) 빼거나 넣거나 하고 싶었던 상황이 있었던 것 같은 느낌이었어요.]

Even at the time of the Lee Myung-bak administration, it was illegal under the NIS Act for the NIS to engage in domestic politics.

(Data provided by:’Give me my file’ citizen action)
