[단독] “If you break your house contract…the breaker will have to pay the brokerage fee”


In this reorganization, Kwon Ik-Com also decided to include the principle that when breaking a house contract, the person who broke the house would pay all brokerage fees. This is because the number of landlords who changed their minds increased when the house price went up even though they signed a contract. In this case, both the landlord and the person who wants to buy it now have to pay the original fee, but in the future, the landlord must pay all the fees.

Next is reporter Ahn Tae-hoon.


The mother-in-law was notified of the breach of the contract from the landlord one day before paying the balance of the apartment sale.

This alone was stupid, but the realtor told me the story of being overwhelmed.

[장모 씨/계약파기 피해자 : 그런데 (공인중개사가) 계약 파기돼도 중개수수료는 줘야 한다는 거예요.]

Jang pointed out that the broker was responsible for not knowing the landlord’s intentions properly, but to no avail.

[장모 씨/계약파기 피해자 : 이런 사건(계약파기)이 많아 ‘확인해주십사’ 하고 (잔금일 전에) 전화한 건데 ‘왜 안 물어봤어요’라고 하니 ‘어떻게 단도직입적으로 물어보냐’는 거예요. 집주인한테…]

The broker said that the fee is set when signing a contract, so you have to pay even if the contract is broken.

With the recent rise in house prices, more and more landlords are breaking contracts.

In this situation, it is wrong for the buyer, who is the victim, to pay the original fee.

Accordingly, the KFTC decided to come up with a rule in this reorganization that “only those who provided the cause of the contract breach shall pay fees”.

Experts advise that even if these regulations arise, you should write them down in the contract to clarify where you are responsible.

[김학환/한국공인중개사협회 정책연구 고문 : (계약) 해제를 누가 하느냐에 따라 중개보수(수수료) 부담에 관해 거래 당사자가 누가 부담하는 것으로 할지 특약에 정해 두는 게 바람직한 방법이라고 할 수 있습니다.]
