[단독] ‘Hidden Pearl’ by the Han River, Pungnap Miseongdo passed the 1st safety checkup

Songpa-gu Pungnaptoseong Estimated Area

picture explanationSongpa-gu Pungnaptoseong Estimated Area

Pungnapmiseong Apartment (275 households), which is considered as a small-scale complex along the Han River in Seoul, took the first step in reconstruction through conditional reconstruction safety checkups. Samick Green Mansion II, a large complex of 2400 households in Myeongil-dong, Gangdong-gu, passed the safety examination and applied for permission to establish the association.

According to the Songpa-gu Office on the 12th, Pungnap Miseong Apartment received 53.93 points as a result of the reconstruction safety diagnosis and passed the first safety diagnosis conditionally. The reconstruction safety diagnosis is classified according to the score (100 points), and the D grade (31~55 points) must also undergo adequacy review by public institutions (Korea Institute of Construction Technology and Facilities Safety Corporation). Grade E (less than 31 points) means that the safety examination has passed, and grades A to C (more than 55 points) mean that reconstruction is impossible.

As a result of this, the expectation of reconstruction is rising in the Pungnap-dong area. Pungnapmiseong is an apartment complex with 275 households built in 1985 and has a floor area ratio of 167%, which is considered as a place with high business feasibility when reconstruction is underway. “Pungnap-dong is a town where there have been many twists and turns.”

The recent increase in actual transaction prices here has also been steep. The exclusive area of ​​117 square meters was traded at 977 million won in December 2019, but it rose to 1.16 billion won in August last year, raising the reported price by nearly 200 million won.

Pungnap-dong is an area where relics from the past Hanseong Baekje period were excavated, and the maintenance project was stopped. Pungnaptoseong Fortress is a fortress that was exposed during the 1925 Eulfestival Flood, and was used for 500 years before Baekje moved to Woongjin. The government designated the area near Pungnaptoseong Fortress as a cultural heritage preservation area in the 1970s, and imposed restrictions on the height of reconstruction and building permits from the early 2000s. However, as it was reported that it would cost more than 2 trillion won to purchase all of this area, the area of ​​conservation and compensation became unclear, and eventually, local people claimed infringement of property rights, resulting in conflict.

However, with the success of the 697-unit Jamsil Olympic Park I-Park, which reconstructed the Pungnap Woosung Apartment, expectations increased. At the end of 2019, the 27th floor was sold for 1.4 billion won, but the 9th floor was changed to 1.62 billion won in January of this year and jumped more than 200 million won.

The results of this safety diagnosis were limited to the self-structural investigation of the Pungnap Miseong Apartment, but there is a possibility that braking may occur when the reconstruction procedure, such as excavation work, is initiated in earnest. An official at Songpa-gu Office said, “The results of the reconstruction safety diagnosis have not been delivered to the Cultural Heritage Administration, and consultations are needed in the future.”

Recently, Samick Green Mansion 2nd Apartment with a scale of 2400 households, which is considered as the representative complex of reconstruction in Myeongil-dong, Gangdong-gu, received a conditional reconstruction decision as a result of the safety examination, raising expectations. According to the Gangdong-gu Office, this place received 52.17 points (D grade) as a result of the first safety examination and applied for permission to establish a union.

[김태준 기자 / 이축복 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
