[단독] Hana Tour sells even the headquarters building

Hana Tour, the No. 1 travel company in the domestic travel industry, has begun to sell its assets, including the headquarters building in Jongno, Seoul and two hotels it owns. As the Corona 19 incident prolonged, it was interpreted as a result of a sense of crisis that there was no choice but to secure the most live ammunition through the sale of assets.

On the 19th, a key official of Hana Tour said, “Currently, we are in contact with several buyers and are in the process of selling two hotel assets together with the headquarters building. There is an unforeseen emergency situation. The company’s strategy is to secure as much cash as possible,” he explained.

The headquarters building of Hana Tour is’Hana Building,’ in Gongpyeong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, owned by Cheonho Company, with a 43% stake in the building. In addition, there are two hotels for sale: Tmark Grand Hotel Myeongdong (Hoehyeon-dong) and Tmark Hotel Myeongdong (Chungmuro). In the industry, if Hana Tour succeeds in selling its assets, it is expected to secure at least 200 billion won in real estate, considering the current real estate market price. Amidst the tourism industry hit by Corona 19, Hana Tour, the No. 1 travel industry, is also facing the biggest crisis since its establishment in 1993. The performance is also the worst. For the past year, earnings before consolidated corporate tax are expected to record a record-high loss of minus 200 billion won.

Hana Tour, which started to sell assets such as the headquarters building and hotels, is already cutting staff due to management difficulties caused by Corona 19. All executives have already issued an emergency prescription for switching to contract workers at the end of last year. As a preliminary stage for large-scale retirement, even if only about 1,200 to 300, half of the 2,500 employees, agree to the recommended resignation by headquarters, enormous expenses such as condolences are incurred. In the end, it seems that Hana Tour plans to secure real ammunition for survival and cover expenses such as consolation money by selling its assets.

Hana Tour’s head office building in Jongno, Seoul, which is for sale, is owned by Cheonho Corporation. Hana Tour has been using it for 15 years by purchasing 43% of its shares (1-6 floors above ground) from Cheonho Enterprises in 2005, which was rented by 7 subsidiaries along with the head office personnel for jeon or monthly rent. The amount invested at the time of purchase by Hana Tour was 28.8 billion won, including the registration fee of 1.3 billion won. Currently, it is known that the market price alone exceeds 100 billion won. An official familiar with the deal said, “Since it is a yolk building in Insa-dong, if it is sold only at the current market price, you can get more than three times the amount of cash in your hand.” .

Hana Tour is also in the process of selling two hotels. Since 2012, it has been operating three business hotels in downtown Seoul. Among them, two buildings of Tmark Grand Hotel Myeongdong (Hoehyeon-dong), excluding the Insa-dong Center Mark Hotel, and Tmark Hotel Myeongdong (Chungmuro), which were acquired for 88 billion won in 2019, are the targets.

[신익수 여행전문기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
