[단독] GC Green Cross falls out of Russian vaccine consortium

Expected to participate in 8~9 locations including Isu Abgis and Binex
Schedule digest after next Monday’s Chuncheon factory inspection

Corona 19 vaccine developed by Russia Sputnik V. Photo = courtesy of Yonhap News

It was confirmed that the GC Green Cross was missing from the consortium for the consortium of Sputnik V, a corona 19 vaccine developed by Russia.

On the 19th, an official from Gielapa said, “Currently, Korea Chorus and 8 to 9 other domestic pharmaceutical bio companies are planning to join for consignment production of vaccines in Russia. GC Green Cross is missing from this consortium.”

In November of last year, KORUS Korea, a subsidiary of Gielapa, agreed with the Russian sovereign wealth fund (RDIF) to consign the production of more than 150 million doses of Sputnik V vaccine per year, and started production in earnest from December at the Chuncheon plant.

Unlike the analysis that Sputnik V will not be effective as a’water vaccine’, the number of countries introduced is increasing as the clinical results of 91.6% efficacy are published in the prestigious international medical journal Lancet. Accordingly, the production of Korean chorus is expected to increase.

Currently, the Korea Chorus is planning to form a consortium to conduct commissioned production, and the consortium is in the final stage.

It is known that Binex and Isu Abgis have signed an MOU with a consortium for consortium production, and 6-7 other companies are expected to share the original and finished processes.

The Russian vaccine commissioned production inspection team will arrive in Korea on the 19th (today) and visit the factory of the consortium company, starting with the Korea Chorus Chuncheon factory next Monday. It is also expected that the final discussion on the composition of the consortium will be finalized.

An official from Gielapa said, “The schedule will start with a visit to the Chuncheon plant next Monday,” and “It is highly likely to receive additional orders in addition to 150 million doses.”

Reporter Han-ul Lee han22@

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