[단독] Director Kim Sang-sik “I wanted Baek Seung-ho, but it’s right to go to Suwon”

Coach Sangsik Kim
Jeonbuk coach Kim Sang-sik applauds the players during the match between Jeonbuk Hyundai and Daegu FC in the final match of HanawonQ K League 1 2020 held at Jeonju World Cup Stadium on November 1 of last year. All | Reporter Park Jin-up [email protected]

[스포츠서울 정다워기자] Jeonbuk Hyundai director Kim Sang-sik stated that the priority is for Baek Seung-ho to negotiate with Suwon Samsung first.

Director Kim said in a phone call with the magazine on the 21st, “I learned about the past contractual relationship between Suwon and Baek Seung-ho through the report. This is an issue that I didn’t know when I was first recruiting. After acknowledging the fact, he stopped recruiting. Jeonbuk has not signed a contract with Baek Seung-ho yet. At this point, it has no relationship,” he said. “According to the contract written at the time, Baek Seung-ho should go to Suwon. It is true that we wanted to recruit and negotiated, but we will step back in consideration of Suwon’s position on a moral level. Baek Seung-ho and Suwon sit at the negotiating table, and if the negotiations take place, it is right to join Suwon.”

Jeonbuk promoted the recruitment of Baek Seung-ho at the end of the winter transfer market. Transfer fees were negotiated with Darmstadt, and Baek Seung-ho’s personal negotiations went smoothly. It was confirmed that there was no problem with the ‘5 year rule’, which seemed to be the biggest stumbling block, and the transfer seemed to be finished smoothly. However, when Suwon claimed the rights, Jeonbuk completely stopped working on the contract.

Suwon recently announced a contract relationship in the past through some media, and announced that it was unfair to Baek Seung-ho’s joining the other team. Baek Seung-ho agreed to join Maetanjung, a youth team under Suwon in 2009. However, in March 2010, an opportunity to study in Barcelona, ​​Spain, came and asked Suwon for application. I also wrote an agreement with the contents of receiving 100 million won each year for three years. In fact, Suwon is known to have provided all 300 million won. In the first agreement, not only the contents of Suwon’s support, but also the promise to go to Maetango after December 31, 2012. The variable arose when Baek Seung-ho signed with Barcelona. As Baek Seung-ho’s admission to Maetango became impossible, Suwon made a second contract in March 2013, stipulating that’when returning to the K-League, he promises to join Suwon, and in the event of a violation, he or she will claim compensation for damages as well as return the support fee.’

Director Kim and Jeonbuk decided to consider Suwon’s position. As a member of the K-League, as in Suwon, from the standpoint of running a youth team, we should not make a precedent that anyone can regard as unfair. Of course, Jeonbuk could ignore the contractual relationship between Baek Seung-ho and Suwon and proceed with the recruitment. According to the rules of the Professional Football Federation, K-League clubs cannot recruit players from other clubs’ youth teams. You must leave the original team or obtain consent to join. However, the contract between Baek Seung-ho and Suwon was made before September 2012 when this rule was made. This is a past event, meaning that it is possible to travel to Jeollabuk-do without being affected by the current regulations. Despite being able to force the recruitment, director Kim said, “Of course, I would like to hire Baek Seung-ho, but I understand Suwon’s position. We also conveyed our intention to Baek Seung-ho. I hope Suwon will smoothly proceed with the negotiations for the recruitment of Baek Seung-ho.”

Jeonbuk had a similar situation last year. Exactly one year ago, Ki Sung-Yong was recruited, but after confirming that there was a penalty incurred according to the contract relationship with FC Seoul, negotiations were halted and eventually the recruitment was abandoned. At the time, the conditions for recruiting were sufficient, but he had given up his greed in order to prevent conflicts with other clubs in a symbiotic relationship. Director Kim and Jeonbuk are taking the same stance this time.
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