[단독] ‘Dalte River’ CP “Controversy over exponential abuse, scheduled to be discussed after confirming the facts”

[매일경제 스타투데이 한현정 기자]

As the suspicion of school violence against actor Jisoo (real name Kim Ji-su, 28), who appeared in KBS2’s Monday-Tuesday drama “River River,” followed by suspicion of school violence (hereinafter referred to as academia), KBS fell into trouble again. Both KBS and Jisoo’s management companies are in the position of “confirming”.

KBS CP’River River’ Kang Byeong-taek briefly replied to Maeil Economic Daily Star Today on the 3rd, saying, “We are currently checking the facts regarding the controversy over the academic violence of the index.” He added, “Today is the anniversary of the foundation of KBS construction, so it is an official holiday.” He added, “I would like to see if there will be a full-scale discussion from tomorrow after self-identification.”

KBS has shown a strong response to appearances such as Cho Byeong-gyu and Park Hye-soo, who were suspicious of abusing earlier, such as withholding entertainment appearances or delaying the airing of dramas, like public broadcasters. In response to this question, CP Kang said, “If a decision is made after sufficient discussion, I would like to follow it. Currently, there is nothing fixed.”

The suspicion of the abuse of actor Jisoo, who is appearing in the role of Ondal in the’River River’, was first raised on the 2nd, and there was another exposure of the school afterwards.

Author A, who posted a post titled’Actor Jisoo is the abuser’ in the online community, said that it was Jisoo and alumni, based on her graduation certificate and graduation album. “Kim Ji-soo is appearing on TV with his peculiar smile, pretending to be good, but he is no more than a bully, a gangster, and a gangster,” he said. “Kim Ji-su was larger than his age at the time.

From the second year of middle school in 2007, he reigned in earnest as the school, and he committed all sorts of evil deeds in school.”

Mr. A said, “The writing I wrote was based only on what I experienced’directly’, and there are a lot of people who were violently harassed by Kim Ji-soo. “I feel deeply disgusted with living after receiving the popularity of the company.”

Netizens who claim to have attended the same school as Jisoo after the disclosure of Mr. A raised additional suspicions of abuse through comments.

Regarding the suspicion, the agency Keyeast side said to Maeil Business Daily Star Today that it was “checking”.

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
