[단독] ‘Academic recognition’ index,’moon rising river’ finally get off

Actor Quotes © News1

Actor Jisoo (28, real name Kim Ji-soo), who is surrounded by suspicion of school violence, eventually gets off at the’River River’.

As a result of the news 1 coverage on the 4th, KBS 2TV’s Monday-Tuesday drama’The River Rising the Moon’ (played by Ji-hoon Han/Director Yoon Sang-ho) decided to get off the actor Jisoo, who plays the main character Ondal after close discussion.

It is reported that the production crew is looking for an actor to replace Jisoo. However, future countermeasures are being discussed from various angles. Details such as the amount of Jisoo’s appearance and the timing of the successor actor’s appearance are undecided.

This is the aftermath of the controversy over Jisoo School violence. On the 2nd, Mr. A, who introduced himself as Jisoo and a middle school alumni, posted an article titled “Actor Jisoo is a school violence perpetrator” in an online community. In this article, Mr. A claimed that he was bullied by Jisoo, including bullying, violence, intimidation, insults, and insults.

Afterwards, suspicions of abuse against Jisoo continued. Mr. B, who claims to be another victim, left a comment on Mr. A’s post and claimed that he was hit by Jisoo for no reason in his first year of middle school, and that he was abused and abused in a basketball game. C, who introduced another victim’s older sister, wrote that his younger brother wanted to transfer to school after being victimized by Jisoo. Mr. D, who was victimized in the third grade of middle school, claimed that Jisoo was the main culprit of verbal and assault, and Mr. E said that Jisoo acted beyond the degree, such as arguing against his classmates.

In response, the agency Keyeast made an official position on the 3rd and said, “We are seriously aware of this issue and will try our best to confirm the facts.” However, after posting a post on the online community again, Mr. A asked Keyeast, “Why should the victims report to you’directly”everyday'” and then “I’m worried about whether or not I’m trying to find out my identity through an e-mail address.” He said. “Ask the celebrity Jisoo, who is a member of the celebrity, whether or not he directly abused him,” he said. “Depending on whether you admit it or not, the title will change just like’School Violence Perpetrator’ Kim Ji-soo or’School Violence Perpetrator’ actor Jisoo.” Added. This amplified the controversy again.

As the controversy grew, Jisoo posted a handwritten apology on his social network service (SNS) on the morning of the 4th and said, “I sincerely apologize to those who suffered from me,” acknowledging and apologizing for allegations of school violence.

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