[단독] 300 million views, 90% of’Criminal Coming’ views are due to tax

Feel the rhythm of Korea Gangneung [사진출처 = 유튜브]

picture explanationFeel the rhythm of Korea Gangneung [사진출처 = 유튜브]

90% of views in the video series of the Korea Tourism Organization’s’Feel the Rhythm of KOREA’, which boasts 300 million views, were found to be clicks on advertisements made with tax. Innovative music and choreography were harmonized with beautiful videos, which received rave reviews at home and abroad, but pointed out that tax was wasted to increase views.

According to data obtained by Congressman Kim Ye-ji’s People’s Power on the 29th, feel the rhythm of Korea produced by the Korea Tourism Organization. Mokpo and Andong were 93.6% and 94%, respectively. As time passed, only 79% of the number of views naturally increased, and the number of flights between Busan and Jeonju reached 90%. In particular, the number of views using the’True View Discovery Product’ composed of preview images and text reached 76 million. In this case, when the video starts playing after clicking the ad, the number of views is counted.

Analysis of the latest 3 episodes in the'Feel the rhythm of Korea' series [사진 출처 = 김예지 의원실]

picture explanationAnalysis of the latest 3 episodes in the’Feel the rhythm of Korea’ series [사진 출처 = 김예지 의원실]

The Korea Tourism Organization said it was confidential for pure advertising expenses excluding the production cost of promotional videos. However, it is known that the Korea Tourism Organization spends the most advertising money on YouTube among government agencies. A YouTube official said, “By adjusting the bid price, it can affect the number of views generated from ads. If the bid price is high, the likelihood of getting views from the ad is higher, but it costs more.”

An official in the MCN (multi-channel network) industry explained, “Because the subscription conversion rate or the ratio of likes and comments to views is significantly lower, it can be seen that the influence of YouTube ads on views was crucial.” In the same context, most of the number of views by country, gender, and subtitle of the Korea Tourism Organization promotional video series were almost the same within the decimal point due to the influence of advertising.

Rep. Kim said, “It is clear that this promotional video of the Korea Tourism Organization is an innovative promotional video that breaks the existing practice, but most of the views of the promotional video are so-called’bubble views’ created by adding advertising costs, He pointed out that the meaning of public relations` will fade.” He said, “I understand that the minimum amount of advertising is inevitable in order to advertise the promotional video, but the Korea Tourism Organization, which cannot disclose the pure advertising cost, makes viewers confused whether this video is trying to promote Korea or the number of views of the promotional video. “There is,” he criticized.

However, an official from the Korea Tourism Organization said, “When looking at the level of participation of consumers and the achievements of awards at home and abroad, we evaluate it as having achieved the best performance in the history of advertisement campaigns for public institutions including the Corporation.” It is analyzed that the expectation for this was raised.” The Korea Tourism Organization claims that the average duration of viewing is 80%, even though the video is not short of 90 to 120 seconds.

[최예빈 기자 / 박제완 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
