[단독] 軍 KakaoTalk Room with Security… “Foot Information Skills”

[사진 = 카카오톡 캡쳐]

picture explanation[사진 = 카카오톡 캡쳐]

It turns out that open katok rooms operated by military units are being opened to the outside without any security measures.

According to military officials on the 6th, front-line units are running KakaoTalk open katok rooms for work and communication between soldiers. Most of them had passwords so that outsiders could not enter them, but some katok rooms had no passwords, so anyone could enter.

In the names of the Kakao Talk rooms, the names of units such as `ㅇㅇ-ㅇㅇ` (meaning ㅇㅇ artillery battalion, ㅇㅇ battery), ‘Headquarters Corps ㅇㅇ platoon’, and ‘ㅇㅇ squadron’ were written, and active duty soldiers were participating.

In fact, information about troops and soldiers was posted nakedly in KakaoTalk rooms where reporters entered. “Private ㅇㅇ has arrived at the Armed Forces Chuncheon Hospital”, “Sergeant ㅇㅇ Why are you absent?” From the current status of troop management such as “The relocation of the new barracks was completed safely in 2020”, and announcements such as “Do not throw away the mask in the shower room” were posted.

It is a violation of security rules to disclose incidental information to the outside. Since July of last year, military personnel have been officially allowed to use mobile phones in the unit, but it is pointed out that the security awareness within the unit is not being followed. The military has gradually expanded after permitting soldiers to use mobile phones, starting with four units directly under the Ministry of Defense in April 2018.

Regarding the operation of open katok rooms by military units, the Ministry of Defense said, “Under military regulations, when using SNS, it is not allowed to communicate military-related matters such as operations and training by posting military secrets or military-related data or opening a shared room for business purposes.” He replied, “If you violate the rules of the open katok room, you should judge it according to the purpose of use or the posted content rather than the opening itself.”

In response to the criticism that not setting a password for an open katok room violates the security regulations, the unit official said, “I entered the password right now” and said, “We will operate in accordance with the security regulations.

[김형주 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
