[단독]文 Proposed pre-consignment system, “promoting children’s shopping” by the Ministry of Justice 4 years ago

President Moon Jae-in held a New Year's press conference in an on-off hybrid method at the Cheongwadae Chun-Chu Hall on the 18th, revealing his stance on political issues and the direction of this year's government administration. [청와대사진기자단]

President Moon Jae-in held a New Year’s press conference in an on-off hybrid method at the Cheongwadae Chun-Chu Hall on the 18th, revealing his stance on political issues and the direction of this year’s government administration. [청와대사진기자단]

President Moon Jae-in said at a New Year’s press conference,’I change the adopted child… ‘The aftermath of the remarks continued. On the 19th, it was pointed out that there was a problem with the Blue House’s clarification of President Moon’s remarks that it was intended to supplement the prior consignment protection system.

‘Pre-consignment protection’ is a system in which the Ministry of Justice expressed concerns about “promoting children’s shopping” in 2017. As a result, civic groups point out whether President Moon and the Blue House lack understanding of the adoption system.

Automatic disposal at the 20th National Assembly

President Moon Jae-in is receiving questions from reporters at a New Year's press conference held at the Blue House Chunchu Hall on the 18th. [청와대사진기자단]

President Moon Jae-in is receiving questions from reporters at a New Year’s press conference held at the Blue House Chunchu Hall on the 18th. [청와대사진기자단]

The’pre-consignment protection system’, which Chung In of the Blue House mentioned as one of the measures to prevent the recurrence of the case, was proposed during the 20th National Assembly. In March 2017, 11 members of the Democratic Party said, “It is customary to entrust a child to a family without permission from the Family Court, even though it is illegal, so there is no public management and supervision.” Public procedures must be institutionalized so that prior consignment) can be carried out,” and proposed the’Partial Amendment of the Special Adoption Act’.

However, the bill, initiated by the ruling party lawmakers, was not resolved at the plenary session and was automatically scrapped due to the expiration of the term. On the 18th, the Blue House announced its position immediately after the New Year’s press conference, “The purpose of the President’s words is to supplement the pre-consignment protection system that is customarily used with the consent of the adoptive parents before the adoption is confirmed.”

Ministry of Justice warns “promoting children’s shopping”

Ministry of Justice, Gwacheon Government Complex.  Newsis

Ministry of Justice, Gwacheon Government Complex. Newsis

In the course of discussions at the National Assembly at the time, the pre-consignment protection system was pointed out that it “promotes children’s shopping”. The Ministry of Justice presented an opinion that “a careful review is necessary for the introduction of the system.” For a specific reason, he pointed out that “after the decision to give temporary handover, it is possible to promote so-called’children’s shopping’, such as not adopting the adopted child just because they do not like it.” He added, “There are not a few side effects, such as that can be a big heartbreak for adopted children.”

At the time, the Ministry of Justice’s cautiousness was concerned with the view and attitude that President Moon showed at this press conference. At the time, private organizations expressed the same concerns. Private adoption organizations such as Holt Children’s Welfare Association said, “If it is judged that it is necessary to observe the parenting attitude of the person to be parents, it is possible to make a decision on temporary delivery because the child is considered a test subject and the human rights of the child are not considered.” Made a review comment. On the other hand, it was confirmed that the Ministry of Health and Welfare submitted an opinion that “a legal basis for fostering parents to raise before adoption permits is necessary for adaptation and attachment of children waiting for adoption.”

The Blue House and the ruling party push for amendments again

Earlier, during a New Year press conference on the 18th, President Moon explained the follow-up measures to the incident, saying, “Because adoptive parents may change their minds, they will cancel the adoption within a certain period of time or have a strong desire to adopt, but with a child. “If it doesn’t fit, we change the adopted child.” With this, “What is home shopping for adoption?” “Adopted children are not dolls sold in the market, nor dogs or cats.”

On the 19th, the Democratic Party of Korea announced that it would review the mandatory pre-consignment system to supplement the adoption system. Policy Committee Chairman Hong Ik-pyo said at the in-hospital countermeasures meeting, “There was a part of the interview with President Moon Jae-in yesterday that the exact intention was not well conveyed. I will actively review the plan.”

Reporter Garam Lee [email protected]
