[뉴스1 PICK]’The United States is back’… Biden takes office as the 46th President of the United States

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[뉴스1 PICK]’The United States is back’… Biden takes office as the 46th President of the United States

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(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Yoon Sung Koo |
2021-01-21 07:19 sent

The 46th President of the United States (far left), Joe Biden, and his wife, Jill Biden, are taking an oath in front of the US Capitol on the 20th at noon (local time). © Reuters = News1 © News1 Reporter Yoonsung Koo

U.S. President Joe Biden was officially inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States at 12 p.m. (local time) on the 20th.

After serving as a senator for 36 years and vice president for eight years, he became the president of the superpower of the United States after his third challenge. At 78, he is the oldest president ever.

President Biden started his business on the outdoor stage at the Federal Capitol in Washington DC at noon that day, starting with his oath and inaugural address. “Today is America’s Day and Democracy Day,” he said, “the will of the people has been heard, and the will of the people has been fulfilled.” Democracy has won.”

The inauguration ceremony was held in an atmosphere like a military operation guarded by 25,000 National Guards, as concerns over armed protests amid the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) pandemic.

Prior to President Biden, Vice President-elect Camela Harris was formally inaugurated as Vice President through an oath of office in front of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the first Latino Federal Supreme Court Justice.

At the inauguration ceremony, former presidents, including former Presidents Barack Obama and Michelle Obama, former Presidents Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Presidents George Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush, appeared to celebrate Biden’s inauguration. Former President Jimmy Carter, the oldest in existence, was unable to attend due to health reasons and replaced it with congratulations.

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump, who left the White House this morning, headed to Florida, where he lived after a separate farewell ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base. President Biden did not attend the inauguration ceremony.

US President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, are taking the oath of office at the inauguration ceremony of the 46th US president held at the Capitol in Washington, DC on the 20th (local time). 2021.1.21/News1 © Reuters=News1 © News1 Reporter Yoonsung Koo

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden (fourth from the left) arrives in front of the Capitol, the location of the inauguration ceremony on the 20th (local time) and wavers. From left: Vice President-elect Kamala Harris’ husband Douglas Mhoff, Vice President-elect Harris, Biden-elect’s wife Dr. Jill Biden, and Joe Biden-elect. 2020.1.21/News1 © AFP=News1 © News1 Reporter Yoonsung Koo

The 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden, and his wife, Jill Biden, arrive at the inauguration hall in front of the US Capitol on the 20th (local time). © AFP=News1 © News1 Reporter Yoonsung Koo

US President Joe Biden is giving an inauguration speech at the inauguration ceremony held in front of the Capitol on the 20th (local time). © Reuters = News1 © News1 Reporter Yoonsung Koo

US President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, are conducting military inspections on the eastern stairs of the US Capitol on the 20th (local time). © Reuters = News1 © News1 Reporter Yoonsung Koo

After the inauguration ceremony, US President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, are walking down the stairs east of the US Capitol on the 20th (local time). © Reuters = News1 © News1 Reporter Yoonsung Koo

The 46th US President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, are kissing at the inauguration ceremony held in front of the Capitol on the 20th (local time). © Reuters = News1 © News1 Reporter Yoonsung Koo

U.S. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris puts his hand on the Bible held by her husband Doug Mhoff at the US Capitol on the 20th (local time) and is making an oath of inauguration in front of Federal Supreme Justice Sonia Sotomayor. © Reuters = News1 © News1 Reporter Yoonsung Koo

With the inauguration ceremony of the US President Joe Biden being held on the 20th (local time), former President Obama and first singer Lady Gaga greet each other. © Reuters = News1 © News1 Reporter Park Jae-woo

Singer Lady Gaga sings the country at the inauguration ceremony of President Biden held in front of the US Capitol on the 20th (local time). © Reuters = News1 © News1 Reporter Yoonsung Koo

On the 20th (local time), the 46th President of the United States inauguration ceremony is being held on an outdoor stage in the Capitol, Washington, DC. © Reuters = News1 © News1 Reporter Yoonsung Koo
While the inauguration ceremony of US President Joe Biden was held on the 20th (local time), former President Trump held a self-farewell party without attending. © Reuters = News1 © News1 Reporter Park Jae-woo
US President Joe Biden is waving as he enters the inauguration of the US Capitol on the 20th (local time). 2021.1.21/News1 © Reuters=News1 © News1 Reporter Yoonsung Koo

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