[뉴스 열어보기] I even got a second shot of the US vaccine, but why is it’positive’?… “Vaccines cannot protect 100%”

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It is the’Open News’ time to deliver the news that was new last night and the news that caught the attention of people.

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First, it is Money Today.

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Even after getting vaccinated in the United States, there have been cases of infection with Corona 19.

According to the US NBC, the Oregon state health official said on the 14th local time, “A total of four corona19 positive patients were found in Yam Hill and Lane County, and the symptoms are mild.”

He added that those who tested positive had been vaccinated up to the second round and were infected at least 14 days after vaccination, as’exceptional cases’.

“It’s serious, but it’s not surprising,” said an Oregon pandemic expert. “No vaccine can protect 100 percent from COVID-19, and it’s a case in the future.”

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Next is the Dong-A Ilbo.

Corona 19, which has killed more than 2.3 million people around the world in just one year, is actually a result of climate change, a study found.

On the 5th, researchers at the University of Cambridge in the UK and the University of Hawaii in the United States revealed that it is highly likely that it has become the source of Corona 19 as climate change caused by increased greenhouse gas emissions has transformed southern China, Laos, and Myanmar into vegetation that is good for bats. .

Mapping vegetation changes based on temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation over the past 100 years showed that southern China, Myanmar, and Laos were tropical shrub forest areas only a century ago, but nowadays, tropical savannah and deciduous forests that bats use as habitats. It is said to have been changed to.

The researchers argued that as it was confirmed that climate change has a substantial impact on the outbreak of viral infectious diseases, countries should actively respond to climate change in order to solve the essential problem.

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Next is the Kyunghyang Shinmun.

The full power of the volleyball industry is shaken by the twin sisters of Lee Jae-young and Da-young Lee, who belong to Heungkuk Life’s women’s professional volleyball game.

As the two players hid behind a short handwritten apology and the club hesitated to discipline, the public’s resentment is growing.

Yesterday afternoon, the newly posted article, “I am the parent of the victim,” also includes information about the mother of the twin sisters, Kim Kyung-hee, and the controversy grew even more.

The accusations of school violence triggered by sisters Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young also spread to male professional volleyball.

When an accusation was posted saying that he was assaulted by OK Financial Group player Song Myung-geun during his school days and had a testicular suture surgery, Song Myung-geun wrote a long apology on his SNS and said, “I will not compete in the game in a sense of self-sufficiency.” Revealed.

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Take a look at JoongAng Ilbo.

It is said that couples who choose to divorce have turned to decline after three years.

It is in contrast to the increase in divorces so much that the word’corona divorce’ has appeared in the United States and Europe.

According to the National Statistical Office, the number of divorces from January to November last year was about 97,000, the lowest since 2017.

There are various interpretations of the decrease in the number of divorces, but it is highly likely that conflicts with family members have decreased as various family gatherings have decreased due to Corona 19.

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Next is the daily economy.

In the future, the job market is expected to change significantly.

More than 50 experts in information technology, including futurists and artificial intelligence, predicted that many jobs will be replaced by AI or robots.

In fact, at a chicken house located in Gaepo-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, a’robot’ is said to be in charge of the whole process from dough to fried chicken.

“As non-face-to-face sales and consumption increase, the demand for jobs such as sales, sales and insurance will inevitably decrease, and the effects of mechanization and automation will also reduce production jobs.”

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Finally, the Hankook Ilbo.

It was found that the average annual income of YouTubers who reported their income in 2019 to the IRS was 32 million.

In addition, the top 1 percent earned close to 700 million won per capita, while the bottom 50 percent did not earn 1.1 million won a year.

The 27 YouTubers in the top 1 percent earned about 18.1 billion won, or 21 percent of the total YouTuber income, and about 1,300 people in the bottom 50 percent earned a total of 1.5 billion won, 1.7 percent of the total YouTuber income It is said that it only occupied

So far, it has been’Open News’.
