[뉴스터치] National Tax Service permits the installation of’Vending Machine

◀ Anchor ▶

Let’s see the next news.

“Liquor, take it out of the vending machine and eat it”

I have introduced unique vending machines from pork belly to vending machines that serve fresh food.

I think alcohol can now be taken out of the vending machine, right?

◀ Na Kyung-cheol announcer ▶

It is said that the IRS will allow the sale of alcohol through vending machines.

It is said that in the future, it is possible to buy alcohol using vending machines in restaurants.

Soju and beer can be sold to consumers through unmanned vending machines in restaurants with insufficient staff.

On the 28th, the National Tax Service announced a plan for operating the national tax administration for 2021, including these details.

Alcohol, which is prohibited for sale to minors, was not allowed to be sold through vending machines due to adult authentication issues.

However, as a vending machine equipped with identification and biometrics technology passed through the’regulatory sandbox’ last year, the National Tax Service has also started improving.

Mainstream vending machines must have a device that can recognize a resident registration card or driver’s license, or link with a mobile application for adult authentication.

The National Tax Service stated that restaurant owners who wish to install unmanned liquor vending machines should report their business to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, and limit them to restaurants with CCTVs to prevent side effects such as alcohol purchases by minors.

◀ Anchor ▶

Due to the specificity of the alcohol product, we must watch closely for issues such as protecting minors.

◀ Na Kyung-cheol announcer ▶

The IRS has decided to consider expanding the installation location to retail stores such as convenience stores and supermarkets that have licenses to sell alcoholic beverages in the future.
