[넷론을박] Controversy over plagiarism… “Definitely steal” vs. “Is it a copy?”

[아시아타임즈=박고은 기자] Netizens are arguing about the unauthorized use of a menu developed by Pohang Jipjukjip, who appeared on SBS”Baek Jongwon’s Alley Restaurant’, from a Gangnam franchise company.

Earlier on the 9th, the CEO of Pohang Jipjukjip said on his Instagram on the 9th, “I have not opened Jipjukjip in other regions. I have no relationship with any companies in Gangnam, Seoul and other regions.

He then expressed his uncomfortable feelings, saying, “Please don’t take (recipe) away. My worries for months, my efforts for months, and the praise of Paik Jong-won.

The reason why the Pohang Jookjukjip owner posted this is interpreted as news reports that a Jukjuk company that sells menus and similar products he developed is signing a franchise franchise contract.

The Gangnam franchise company said, “We developed our own menu through several months of research by researchers specialized in the restaurant industry and launched it as a franchise brand.”

Although this company has nothing to do with Pohang Pork Jukjip, the Pork Juk itself introduced on the broadcast was a very unique menu, and the food name and menu name were similar to those on the broadcast.

▲ Real-time netizen reaction

After the post of Pohang Jookjubjip was posted, some netizens criticized the Gangnam franchise company, saying it was a’thief company’ that steals things from others.

“It is stealing to take someone else’s. It is absolutely plagiarism” (jul—–)
“You’re the two boys, I deserved to go to Pohang and pay royalties and sign a contract” (pret—-)
“It’s a menu made with the efforts of the head of the alley farm, but if you sell the same menu, there is a lot of room for controversy” (toto—-)
“The other person is not Mr. Duckjuk, but Baek Jong-won. Jong-won Baek is never the person to be still” (ehji—-)
“I stole it all over” (kind—-)
“If you want to just use someone else’s effort, secretly do it alone in the town. Franchise is too much” (giks—-)
“I just put a spoon on the boss’s efforts” (yoo—-)
“Mr. Alley, please do it quickly from the registration of the brand name on the top”
“There are no thieves. You shouldn’t do anything without conscience” (jeil—-)
“The whole people join forces and never buy that franchise store” (haha—-)

On the other hand, other netizens argued that the recipe could not be a problem with plagiarism, saying that the recipe was different anyway, and the food had no copyright.

“In addition, I think we should be a good and well-lived world together” (hjsa—-)

“Alley restaurant broadcasts themselves often make menus by applying foods from many regions or stores. If the taste is different, it is believed that other places can always serve rice cakes.” (cms9—-)

“I understand that this is a bad thing to shoot openly, but if other restaurants put up the same bad thing, should they all be considered the same bad thing? I am curious to what extent the intellectual property rights for the recipe apply” (sete—-)

“Isn’t the Alley Restaurant itself a program that the common people want to see and follow so that we can get along with each other? From when did you start living alone?” (hell—-)

“I think that the claim that only the boss is a guardian is unreasonable. The recipe is a public good.” (kshy—-)

“Is it just one person? Kimchi stew and bibimbap are both competing for their own trademarks. The food does not have a patent right.. Isn’t it impossible to monopolize at the moment of broadcasting?” (simu—-)

“Because the recipe is different, I wonder if it could be considered a copy of Pohang Jipjukjip” (yus—-)

“It’s just similar to the food on the air. There is no copyright on the food. So, there is no legal basis for saying that all restaurants in the country should be closed due to plagiarism.

On the other hand,’Baek Jong-won’s Alley Restaurant’ said in a call with a media on that day, “There were a lot of similar things besides this one, but I think this is a serious case.” We are preparing for it.”
