[날씨] Cold waves around 15 degrees below zero inland… Continued until the 12th day of extreme cold

In the strongest cold wave, the sea water is also icicles

picture explanationIn the strongest cold wave, the sea water is also icicles

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A cold wave from the Arctic will continue on Sunday, the 10th.

The nationwide minimum temperature in the morning is -22 to -5 degrees, and the highest temperature in the daytime is -4 to 4 degrees.

The temperature in the morning will rise 2-4 degrees from the previous day, but the cold will continue, with cold weather warnings maintained in most regions.

The central region and Gyeongsangbuk-do, some of the interior of Jeolla and the interior of the central Gyeongnam region will fall below -15 degrees, and other regions are expected to be around -10 degrees.

The Meteorological Administration predicted that the cold would continue until the 12th.

There must be many places where it snows as cold air descends south to the west sea and clouds are formed by the sea train (the difference between the temperature of the lower atmosphere and the temperature of the sea level).

Until this day, there may be places where 3 to 8 cm of snow is accumulated in the western coast of Jeonnam and the mountain areas of Jeju Island, and 1 to 5 cm of snow has been forecast on the Jeju coast, the west coast of Jeonbuk, the west coast of Chungnam, and the west coast of 5 provinces. It is expected that 5 to 20 cm of heavy snow will continue until this day on Ulleungdo and Dokdo.

In the interior of Seoul, southern Gyeonggi, Chungbuk, and northeastern Jeollabuk-do, snow will start in the afternoon.

There will be many places where sidewalks and roads are slippery due to freezing snow, and there are places where it is difficult to pass, such as hills, slopes, and side roads, so you need to pay special attention to safety.

The Meteorological Administration called for caution, saying, “As the cold weather continues for a long period of time, there are concerns about lower immunity and cold disease of outdoor workers such as screening clinics and the elderly and the elderly.”

In Jeju Island, where the strong wind warning is in effect, strong winds of 10 to 16 m per second and maximum instantaneous wind speed of 20 m or more are expected until dawn. In addition, there are places where strong winds of 7 to 13 meters per second blow in the coastal and mountainous areas of Gangwon, so care should be taken to manage facilities and prevent safety accidents.

Special warnings for construction were in effect in parts of the metropolitan area, including Seoul, and parts of the east coast, the Gangwon region, and the Gyeongsang area. Be careful to prevent fires such as forest fires.

The concentration of fine dust was predicted to be’good’ to’medium’ in all areas.

Strong winds and high waves of 10 to 20 meters per second are expected at sea, so you should be careful about sailing or operating ships.

The waves of the sea will rise from 0.5 to 2.0 m off the east sea, 0.5 to 2.5 m off the west sea, and 0.5 to 1.5 m off the south sea.

The wave height of the far sea is expected to be 1 to 3 m in the east sea, 0.5 to 3.0 m in the west sea, and 1 to 4 m in the south sea.

The following is the weather forecast by region for 10 days. [오전, 오후](Minimum to maximum temperature) <오전, 오후 강수 확률>

▲ Seoul: [맑음, 흐리고 한때 눈] (-15∼-2) <0, 60>

▲ Incheon: [맑음, 흐리고 한때 눈 곳] (-11~-3) <10, 60>

▲ Suwon: [맑음, 흐리고 가끔 눈] (-14∼-2) <0, 60>

▲ Chuncheon: [맑음, 구름많음] (-20~-3) <0, 20>

▲ Gangneung: [맑음, 구름많음] (-10∼2) <0, 20>

▲ Cheongju: [구름많음, 흐리고 한때 눈] (-13 to-3) <20, 60>

▲ Daejeon: [구름많음, 흐리고 한때 눈] (-14∼-1) <20, 60>

▲ Sejong: [구름많음, 흐리고 한때 눈] (-16∼-2) <20, 60>

▲ Jeonju: [구름많음, 흐림] (-11∼0) <20, 30>

▲ Gwangju: [흐림, 흐림] (-8∼1) <30, 30>

▲ Daegu: [맑음, 흐림] (-10 to 1) <0, 30>

▲ Busan: [맑음, 구름많음] (-7-4) <0, 20>

▲ Ulsan: [맑음, 구름많음] (-7∼3) <0, 10>

▲ Changwon: [맑음, 구름많음] (-9∼3) <0, 20>

▲ Jeju: [흐리고 가끔 눈, 흐림] (2-5) <60, 30>


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