[나우뉴스] [우주를 보다] Even small stones are clear… Mars ultra-high resolution image revealed

▲ High resolution image of Mars panorama sent by NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Percivirence

NASA’s Mars exploration rover (robot exploration vehicle)’Percivirance’, the first mankind to collect Mars specimens, is the example of the northern hemisphere of Mars at 3:55 pm on the 18th (5:55 am KST) Landed safely on the crater.

Percivirence, which left Earth on July 30 last year and moved 470 million km, is tasked with collecting the soil and rocks from Mars for 687 days, equivalent to a year on Mars, and bringing them to Earth. While photos and videos of Mars’ actual appearance are released every day, the NASA Persivirance project team unveiled an ultra-high-definition panoramic photo taken by Percivirence on the 24th.

What was released on the 20th is a panorama picture taken by a navigation camera, and this image is the result of a Mastcam-Z mounted on the top of Percivience. MastCam-Z is a pair of dual cameras mounted on the head of the rover, and it is possible to shoot high-resolution color 3D panoramic views as images or photographs.

In fact, the new panoramic photos unveiled this time boast the high resolution of digital HD. The more the picture is enlarged, the more it evokes the illusion of seeing the surface of Mars in front of us.

NASA experts hope that magnifying and analyzing high-resolution photographs will help estimate Mars’ geological history and atmospheric conditions. In particular, when accurately identifying rocks and sediments and performing rock extraction, one of Persivirance’s missions, it is expected to increase the probability of success in selecting and collecting rocks that can be helpful for research.

In addition, it is expected that it will be easy to analyze the environment in a place far away from the persistence through high-resolution photo and video analysis.

▲ NASA’s Persistence Project team unveiled a picture of the red surface of Mars taken with a camera below Percirence on the 22nd.

▲ Percipheral descent and landing process

NASA said, “The panorama released this time is a compilation of 142 images, showing a distant crater and a cliff at the edge,” said NASA. “You can see the surface of Mars that feels similar to the images obtained from the previous NASA Mars mission. Yes,” he explained. High-resolution panoramic images taken with the MastCam-Z can be found on the NASA website.

Meanwhile, NASA releases new Martian information every day. On the 22nd, the first landing video taken with the probe’s camera and Skycrane’s camera was also released. In just 7 minutes, the stunning image of the speed dropping from 20,000 km/h to 0 km vividly shows the dramatic scene of a rover landing on Mars.

On the same day, a number of color images of the surface of Mars, which boast red soil worthy of the nickname’Red Planet’, were also released.

Reporter Song Hyun-seo [email protected]

