[김재호의 생명이야기] Vegetable and animal protein

[김재호의 생명이야기]<204 data-recalc-dims= Vegetable protein and animal protein”/>

Protein is an important nutrient that is used as a material for muscle, skin, hair, bone, as well as almost all body parts or tissues of the body, various enzymes and hemoglobin. It accounts for about 20% of our body’s components, and is the second most common after water. If it is insufficient, it is important to consume as much as necessary, because various problems such as not being able to grow normally, muscle mass decrease, and weakening of immunity, heart, and lung functions.

There are many misconceptions about protein consumption. Unlike carbohydrates and fats, protein is not stored in the body, so you have to eat as much as you need each day, but eating too much is not good. When protein is digested, acid is made, and the body uses calcium, an alkaline substance to neutralize it, so if you eat too much protein for a long time, a lot of calcium in the bones is consumed, which can cause osteoporosis.

All proteins are complexes made by combining 20 kinds of amino acids, and there are very many types because different forms are made according to the composition ratio of each amino acid. All living things make and use the necessary proteins by varying the composition ratio of each amino acid, and it is known that there are more than 10,000 kinds of proteins in the human body.

When it comes to proteins, the difference between plants and animals lies in the way amino acids are obtained. Plants synthesize all necessary amino acids directly, but animals or humans that cannot directly make amino acids eat proteins that plants or other animals have, break down (digest) them to obtain necessary amino acids, and change the shape of some amino acids to use. Sometimes it does.

Some people think that protein is only found in animal foods, including meat, or that you must eat meat in order to ingest protein. This is not true at all. Protein is first made by plants and then transferred to carnivores through herbivores, so the protein in meat ultimately comes from plants. Naturally, there is no difference at all between the 20 kinds of amino acids that make up the vegetable protein and the animal protein, and only the ratio of amino acids to each protein is different.

Protein content is about 20-30% for meat types including beef and beans or red beans, 8% for brown rice, 14% for whole wheat, and 15-25% for nuts such as walnuts and peanuts. So, if you only eat protein, you don’t have to eat meat. This is why herbivorous animals such as cattle, horses, elephants, and giraffes can maintain large physique without eating meat.

Nine kinds of amino acids are essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body. Animal proteins are complete proteins that contain enough all essential amino acids, but some say that plant proteins are many incomplete proteins that lack one or more essential amino acids. However, there is no need to worry because essential amino acids that are lacking in some foods are easily supplemented with essential amino acids from other foods.

When it comes to vegetable protein or animal protein, all of them are broken down into amino acids, absorbed, and then made the necessary protein, so there is no difference between the two in use by the body. In general, it is rarely eaten only with protein, and other nutrients are also consumed when eating protein foods. Therefore, which protein is better should be determined by comparing other nutrients contained together.

In terms of nutrients, the best protein foods are vegetable proteins, including beans and nuts, which are rich in various antioxidants and dietary fiber (see Life Story 203). Among animal proteins, fish and white meats such as chicken or duck ( white meat) is good. Red meat such as beef or pork contains a lot of saturated fat, so many studies show that it increases the risk of vascular disease, diabetes, and various cancers, so it is better to eat as little as possible.

Processed meats such as ham, sausage, bacon, and hot dogs made by processing red meat are made by adding salt and other substances in the process of processing, and are particularly unhealthy because they cause various chronic diseases. The International Cancer Institute (IARC) under the World Health Organization (WHO) categorizes certain carcinogens into group 1, highly carcinogenic substances into group 2A, and potentially carcinogenic substances into group 2B. Processed meat is classified into 1 group and red meat. Are classified into group 2A.

Protein is widely found in many foods, so you don’t have to worry about protein deficiency unless you’re heavily picky, whether it’s meat or vegetarian. However, if you eat a lot of red meat, especially processed meat, among animal protein foods, it can be a major cause of various chronic diseases such as vascular disease, diabetes, and cancer, so you should refrain from eating it.

Jaeho Kim Independent Researcher

