[기자수첩]Data Passbook Service Expects Mid-Term Loan Breath

Reporter Choi Ah-reum, Information and Communication Newspaper.
Reporter Choi Ah-reum, Information and Communication Newspaper.

The Credit Guarantee Fund is expected to provide new services for SMEs. It is a so-called’small business data passbook’ service that not only shares documents submitted by SMEs for credit ratings or loans with the companies that submitted them, but also adds data from 10 public institutions to use them for loan applications.

Not only this. The analysis includes credit rating opinions, news, and unstructured data on business opportunity occurrence activities and corporate management to analyze the business activity index.In the member-only showroom, based on this analysis information, banks can offer loan reviews or companies can apply for loans. You will be able to.

A SME growth map service is also provided that compares and analyzes the same industry and business power, or analyzes poor or excellent indicators by indicator.

It’s a service that converts submitted documents into data and adds’interest’ to them.

According to the Credit Guarantee Fund, which is a service provider, companies with technological prowess can obtain loans based on excellent business activity index without collateral or financial statements.

It is truly an ingenious and grateful service. If it can run well.

If the service can properly analyze the growth characteristics of SMEs that are not quantified as described by Shinbo, banks will be able to trust the analysis index and increase loans to small businesses that do not have collateral. This is why reliable data analysis technology is required.

In addition, it will be important to increase the number of participating banks and promote and enhance services by the new news agency to encourage participation in SMEs so that there is no need to fly only Paris without consumers on a platform prepared with large amounts of money.

We hope that the activation of the data passbook service will prevent excellent SMEs with insufficient capital from being marginalized from loans.

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