[기자가 간다] LG Uplus,’Non-face-to-face distribution innovation’…”3 times growth in mobile and Internet within 3 years

When you enter your personal information on the Welcome Board, you will be provided with a QR code.

By selecting the issued QR code at the business processing kiosk, you can quickly process customer work required at the site such as rate inquiry, subscription service inquiry and change, and rate plan change.

LG U+ has opened an unmanned store’U+ Untact Store’ in line with the non-face-to-face era.

While existing unmanned stores only support SIM opening or device change, U+ Untact Store is the most important feature that customers can proceed with SIM opening and device change, as well as new sign-ups and number transfers.

[박상순 LG유플러스 채널혁신 담당 : “LG유플러스 언택트스토어는 비대면 하에서도 고객 스스로 24시간 365일 언제나 고객이 원하는 업무를 직원 개입 없이 스스로 쉽게 처리할 수 있는 시스템을 갖춘 매장입니다.”]

Inside view of U+ Untact Store

LG Uplus opened the Untact Store in order to keep pace with the consumption trend in the Corona 19 environment.

Since Corona 19, the demands of customers who prefer non-face-to-face are increasing, so LG U+ is a strategy to gain genuine customer sympathy and secure hot fans through distribution channel innovation.

[박상순 LG유플러스 채널혁신 담당 : “종각점을 기반으로 해서 상반기 내에 부산, 대전, 하반기에는 대구, 광주 총 5개점을 연내에 구축할 것입니다. 우리가 고객에게 반향을 일으키고 가치를 줄 수 있는 서비스들은 일반 매장으로의 확대도 계획하고 있습니다”]

In addition, LG Uplus is also reorganizing the official online mall YouShop, the core of its online distribution channels.

From next month, we will introduce Naver simple authentication and simple payment services to YouShop through a partnership with Naver.

The strategy is to target the 2040 generation, the main target, in line with the rapidly growing online simple payment market.

Through this, we have set a challenging goal of triple growth within 3 years.

“2021 is the first year of online channel leap forward,” said Kim Nam-soo, director of digital business at LG Uplus.

The era of untact accelerated by the Corona 19 crisis.

It is noteworthy whether LG U+, which entered the representative system of Hwang Hyeon-sik, will be able to increase the number of fans by responding to the untact innovation one step faster.

This is Park Joo-yeon on Pax Economy TV.

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