‘Pony’, the symbol of Hyundai Motors, is a welcoming design
Side mirror with camera, not mirror
E-GMP…The basic frame under the vehicle is the power source
‘Ioniq 5’with the meaning of’the first generation of future mobility’
Wonhyoro office building in Seoul where Hyundai Motor Company’s first service center was built.
The first dedicated electric vehicle’Ioniq 5’that announces the new era of Hyundai Motor Company was revealed for the first time.
Just as the stopped’Hyundai Motor Wonhyoro Service Center’ transformed into’Ioniq 5 Square’ and transformed into the starting point of Hyundai Motor’s future mobility,’Ioniq 5’also uses eco-friendly and recycled materials such as interior finishing materials and fabric sheets. It is designed to be worthy of the’leader in sustainable clean mobility innovation’ advocated by the chairman.

‘Ionic 5’is a design reinterpretation of Hyundai’s symbol of’Pony’. The overall impression emphasizes the feeling of’Pixel’ a lot and gives a square-shaped angular feel.
The digital side mirror on the side has a camera installed, unlike the mirror of a general side mirror, and the driver can see the situation on the side through the internal OLED screen. This has a functional advantage that it is not affected by external brightness and sunlight due to the self-adjustment of the camera lens. It made me realize that I am really changing to the next level.

‘Ionic 5’was able to make the floor flat because a large-capacity battery, not the engine, was placed in the bottom of the vehicle. In addition, while the existing internal combustion engine felt that the body was dragged by the engine power of the front and rear of the vehicle, Hyundai E-GMP feels that the basic frame under the vehicle is itself the power source.
Hyundai Motor Company explained that the interior interior was designed by reflecting the theme of comfortable living space with furniture in the house as a motif. Space utilization has been maximized by utilizing the Universal Island and V2L system, which can freely move the center console back and forth.

[하언태 / 현대자동차 사장 : 본격적으로 경쟁이 심화되는 글로벌 EV 시장의 리더십 확보를 위해, 당사 최초 전용전기차인 ‘아이오닉5’를 성공적으로 런칭하고 차별화된 서비스 패키지 적용을 통해 고객들에게 새로운 가치를 제공하겠습니다.
또한, 수소 분야의 핵심 기술 확보 및 연료전지시스템 사업영역 확장을 통해 미래 수소 생태계의 이니셔티브를 마련하고, 미래 자동차 시장을 선도할 수 있는 일류기업으로 거듭날 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.]

At the regular shareholders’ meeting of Hyundai Mobis held on the 24th, honorary chairman Chung Mong-koo gave up his office as an executive director, and Hyundai Motor Group completed a practical’Jeign Line System’. Now, Hyundai Motor Company is headed for another goal under the command of a new young captain, and many changes are expected to be made.
The answer would be that Chairman Eui-sun Eui-sun expressed his strong will for change, saying, “2021 should be the year of a’great transformation into a new growth engine’.” ‘Ioniq 5′, which holds the meaning of Hyundai Motor’s’first generation of future mobility’. Interest is focused on whether’Ionic 5’will be able to receive the report card as expected.
This is Kim Hong-mo on Pax Economy TV.

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