[기상센터]”The heatwave on the Korean peninsula is getting worse”…the reason why greenhouse gas reduction is necessary


As the effects of warming are in full swing, unprecedented weather extremes appear on the Korean Peninsula.

If we do not reduce greenhouse gases, it is predicted that after 60 years, the temperature on the Korean Peninsula will rise by up to 7 degrees and the heatwave will increase four times as much as it is now.

This is reporter Jung Hye-yoon.


In the summer of 2018, the Korean peninsula was truly like a boiling Bulgari.

It was the highest since the observation with 31.5 days of heatwave and 17.7 days of tropical night, and the hottest in 111 years at 41 degrees in Hongcheon, Gangwon-do and 39.6 degrees in Seoul.

This is because the high pressure in the North Pacific, which is driving the summer heat, the Tibetan high pressure that has expanded from the southwest, and the thermal high pressure that has developed inside China, have simultaneously affected the Korean Peninsula.

This is the first phenomenon that appeared.

In the summer a year later, typhoons were a problem instead of the heat.

In July and August, four typhoons hit the north and hit the typhoon once every two weeks.

Also, in September, when the fall begins, three typhoons hit the north, leaving a record of seven typhoons a year.

The winter weather has also changed dramatically.

The winter of 2019 was the warmest of all time, while the winter of 2020 was the coldest in the Arctic, and the snow in January was 7.2 days.

Experts analyze that the trend of warming continues unabated and appears.

[반기성 / 케이웨더 예보센터장 : 온난화로 인한 기후 변화는 지구 전체 열의 불균형을 초래해 과거에 볼 수 없었던 기상이변을 불러오게 되는데 강도는 더욱 세지고 빈도는 더 잦아질 것입니다.]

It has been predicted that the situation will get worse and worse if we do not actively work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

After 60 years (2081~2100), the temperature on the Korean Peninsula soared up to 7 degrees, and the annual heatwave days reached 129.9 days, four times higher than now.

It means that one third of a year has to suffer from heat waves.

In addition, extreme precipitation, which corresponds to torrential rain, is expected to increase by about 30%.

[변영화 / 기상청 국립기상과학원 연구원 : 우리 후세대가 겪게 될 기후의 상태가 우리의 지금 행동에 의해 크게 좌지우지될 것이라는 의미입니다.]

However, if we take a low-carbon scenario that drastically reduces greenhouse gas emissions, the temperature on the Korean Peninsula will only rise 1.8 degrees, and the extent of climate change is likely to be only adaptable.

This is YTN Jeong Hye-yoon.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
