[기상센터]During the year-end and New Year’s Arctic cold wave, the whole country is heavy… Heavy snow on the west coast


A strong Arctic chill is coming ahead of the New Year holidays.

It is said that a cold breeze blows from this afternoon, and the cold wave begins and continues until the beginning of the new year.

Heavy snows of up to 50 cm in the west coast and islands were also predicted.

Reporter Kim Jin-du reports.


It was in the middle of winter before the end of the year, but the weather was like early spring.

The daytime temperature in Seoul was 11.4 degrees, and the temperature in mid-March was shown.

However, in one day, early spring will disappear and a powerful general Dong will come.

From the afternoon, the cold wind will blow strongly, rain and snow will fall all over the country, and the temperature will drop sharply.

For the first time this winter, the cold, which was trapped in the North Pole, is coming to mid-latitude.

This cold wave, which hit the world, is expected to continue until the beginning of the new year.

On the last day of 2020, the temperature in Seoul will drop to -13 degrees Celsius and the perceived temperature to -20 degrees Celsius.

The cold wave below -10 degrees Celsius continues in the New Year, and the whole country will freeze.

[추선희 / 기상청 예보분석관 : 차가운 대륙고기압이 다가오고 5km 상공에 -30℃ 안팎의 찬 공기까지 머물면서 우리나라로 유입되는 찬 공기의 강도가 매우 강하겠고, 1월 4일부터 또다시 대륙고기압이 확장하면서 추위가 길게 이어지겠습니다.]

Along with the cold wave, heavy snow will be accompanied.

From tomorrow, snowfall is expected to pour over the west coast, Jeju Island, Ulleungdo and Dokdo.

Snow bombs of up to 50 cm in the mountains of Jeju, Ulleungdo and Dokdo, and 30 cm in the west coast are expected.

The Meteorological Administration called for caution, saying that there is concern about damage to facilities such as freeze-breaking of meters and snow damage such as damage to green houses and traffic accidents, as well as damage to facilities such as the cold wave and heavy snow that struck the year-end and New Year holidays.

This is YTN Kim Jin-du.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
