[기상센터][날씨] Cold waves continue, Seoul -12.8℃… 1cm of snow late in the afternoon

Arctic cold wave that lasted for over 10 days… Freezing of the Han River in 2 years
From day after day to Seoul temperature video… Relieve the cold


The momentum of the Arctic cold wave frozen in the Han River continues even today, a holiday.

It is said that the national temperature has dropped to around 15 degrees below zero.

However, from this cold wave, the day after tomorrow, the temperature rises to the video zone and it is said to be released.

We will connect reporters to find out the situation and prospects of the cold wave. Reporter Kim Jin-du

Where was the coldest place today?


Yes, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do, had a lower temperature than in the mountains.

The temperature in Bongpyeong-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, recorded -24.7 degrees Celsius, the lowest in the country.

In addition, Cheorwon recorded -20.2 degrees, Paju -19.8 degrees, and Seoul -12.8 degrees.

In the southern provinces, Daegu was 10.8 degrees below zero, Gwangju was 10.7 degrees below zero, and Busan was 7.8 degrees below zero.

The temperature rose slightly from yesterday, but it was still 5 to 6 degrees lower than normal.


The arctic cold wave has been going on for more than 10 days, and you say it will be resolved this week?


Yes, it is.

The polar cold wave that has continued since the end of last year is now coming to an end.

This is because the temperature rises in the video zone from the day after tomorrow based on Seoul.

After that, the temperature will rise significantly, and on Friday, the daytime temperature in Seoul will rise to 9 degrees, and the temperature is expected to fluctuate.

From this weekend, the temperature will drop back to the sub-zero level, but it is expected to show a similar level of cold as usual.


There is a snow forecast today, will it be enough to disrupt your way to work tomorrow morning?


Yes, it is expected to snow inland from late this afternoon.

Seoul and southern Gyeonggi, Chungcheong and Jeonbuk region.

Snow starts in the late afternoon, and most likely stops around 9pm.

As the amount is not much, about 1cm, it is not expected that it will interfere with traffic tomorrow morning.

There are two snow forecasts this week on Wednesday and on weekends, and the amount is expected to be higher than today, so preparation is needed.

This is YTN Kim Jin-du.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
