[기상센터][날씨] City center covered with ultrafine dust…Today’s metropolitan area’Emergency reduction measures for fine dust’


The air quality is getting worse as air stagnation is added to smog from China.

Until today, the concentration of ultrafine dust in the western region is expected to soar greatly, and’emergency reduction measures for high concentration fine dust’ will be issued again in the metropolitan area.

Reporter Jung Hye-yoon’s report.


The entire city center was covered in dense dust.

The buildings across the river are not even outlined as if they were in a cloudy veil.

The sky also became more hazy as it was trapped in gray dust.

As ultrafine dust, which is bad for respiratory organs, increases rapidly, citizens who do outdoor activities are anxious even if they wear masks.

[이유선 / 서울 논현동 : 따뜻할 줄 알았는데 바람도 약간 불고 미세먼지도 굉장히 많은 것 같아요 호흡도 굉장히 힘들고 목도 칼칼한 게 마스크가 차단을 잘 하고 있는 건지 걱정도 되고요.]

This high concentration of fine dust is caused by the influx of smog from China into the atmosphere.

In Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, and Chungnam areas, the highest concentration of ultrafine dust has soared to around 100µg, which is 4-5 times the usual level.

The metropolitan area even issued preliminary measures to reduce fine dust.

However, the high concentration of fine dust is expected to continue for another day.

The National Institute of Environmental Sciences announced that even today, the concentration of fine dust in most regions of the country is rising to the level of’bad’, and that the metropolitan area will soar to the level of’very bad’ at one time in the morning.

[손정석 / 국립환경과학원 예보관 : 대부분 서쪽 지방을 중심으로 전일 미세먼지가 잔류하고, 대기정체와 기류 수렴으로 미세먼지가 축적돼 농도가 높을 것으로 예상됩니다.]

Accordingly,’Emergency Reduction Measures for Highly Concentrated Fine Dust’ are issued again today in the metropolitan area and Chungnam.

It’s been three days since last Friday.

When emergency reduction measures are taken, vehicles with class 5 emissions will be suspended from 6 am to 9 pm. The operation of fine dust-emitting workplaces and construction sites should also be shortened.

This fine dust will rain down across the country from tonight to tomorrow morning, and we will slow down for a while.

However, the amount of rain is low, and after the rain stops, the temperature rises higher than it is now, and it seems difficult to completely escape from air raids caused by atmospheric congestion and foreign fine dust.

This is YTN Jeong Hye-yoon.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
