[기상센터][날씨] Cherry blossoms in Seoul, the earliest blooming in over 100 years…”Spring and summer have grown longer”


Cherry blossoms also bloomed in Seoul, and it is said to be the earliest in 100 years.

In fact, it has been found that the temperature has risen significantly over the last 10 years, and spring and summer have also been extended by 4 days.

Reporter Jeong Hye-yoon reports.


The soaring temperatures are pushing the spring flowers to bloom.

Following forsythia and azalea, cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

Songwol-dong Yoshino cherry tree, the standard observation tree of cherry blossoms in Seoul

Starting on the 24th, more than three cherry blossoms have spread on one branch, and the official flowering has been announced.

It bloomed the earliest 99 years after observation.

[홍미란 / 기상청 기상관측소 주무관 : 1922년부터 서울 벚꽃 관측이 시작됐는데 100여 년 관측이래 가장 빨리 관측됐습니다. 역대 가장 빨랐던 작년보다도 3일이나 더 빠른 것이고, 평년보다는 17일 빨리 관측됐습니다.]

The reason is that the temperature has risen more than in the past due to warming.

In fact, when you look at the Meteorological Agency’s new average average climate, the difference is evident.

From 1991 to 2020, the national average temperature of the new average value was 0.3 degrees higher than the previous average value (1981 to 2010).

Spring (91 days) and summer (118 days) were 4 days longer than before, while autumn (69 days) and winter (87 days) were shorter by one day and 7 days.

In particular, the temperature in March, which has the greatest influence on the flowering period of spring flowers, has risen by 0.6 degrees from the previous normal year.

It is understandable that the cherry blossoms in Seoul set the record for the earliest flowering since observation for the second consecutive year following last year.

This is YTN Jeong Hye-yoon.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
