[글로벌-스포츠 24] Head coach Mourinho contemplated by Kane’s injured escape, anticipation of “a critical phase for Bale”

[글로벌-스포츠 24] Head coach Mourinho contemplated by Kane’s injured escape, anticipation of “a critical phase for Bale”
Tottenham striker Gareth Bale expects manager Mourinho to serve as a substitute for Harry Kane’s injury.

Tottenham manager Jose Mourinho said that the moment the team’s ace Harry Kane was injured is a “significant phase” for Gareth Bale.

Bale temporarily returned to his home team Tottenham at Real Madrid last summer. He returned to the club in North London, where he played until 2013, but this season, he has been suffering from bad physical condition and injuries, and is staying in the first match in the Premier League.

Head coach Mourinho, who recently asked the Wales national team to fight to take over the position, seems to feel that the time has come for Bale as Harry Kane is inevitable for the time being due to injuries in Liverpool, where he lost 1-3.

When the 31-year-old winger asked about playing for Kane’s band, “I hope so. He played very little (9 minutes). Still, they fought for 90 minutes in the cup match. It will be an important phase for him now. He is feeling better and better. When Harry loses quality, another player must come out. I hope that Bale can help us.”

“Harry Kane is Harry Kane. There are players on any team that cannot be replaced. Last season, three or four strikers were injured at the same time, and there were times with only Harry Kane. Still, we have (Carlos) Vinicius, (Stefen) Berchwine, Lucas (Moura), (Eric) Lamela, and Veil. It is different from last year.”

As for the possibility of Bale playing as a central striker, “I don’t think he’s a striker and I don’t like playing as a striker. He himself said he was not a left winger or player 10. His favorite position is the position that always uses him, the aggressive right.”

Kyungsoo Kim, Editor-in-Chief of Global Economics [email protected]
