[국제]World’s first vaccination UK, 3.56 million people vaccinated…


In the UK, which was the first in the world to be vaccinated against COVID-19, 3.5 million people were vaccinated.

The UK plans to gradually expand its vaccination capacity and gradually ease the COVID-19 containment from March.

Reporter Won-bae Kim reports.


The UK started the world’s first COVID-19 vaccine on the 8th of last month.

As of 15 days local time, approximately 3.56 million people received the first dose of the vaccine.

About 440,000 people have already completed the second vaccination.

As of the 16th, the cumulative number of corona19 cases in the UK was about 3.35 million, which was the first time vaccinations exceeded the cumulative number of confirmed cases.

British media say 10 additional large vaccination centers will open in England to expand vaccination capacity.

[도미닉 라브 / 영국 외무장관 : 영국의 목표는 9월까지 모든 성인 인구에 백신 1회차분 접종을 완료하는 것입니다.]

As the number of confirmed cases slowed and the number of vaccinations increased, the UK government is hoping to ease the blockade from March.

British Foreign Minister Dominic Rab says he wants to get out of the full blockade as soon as possible, but he expects to be able to make this decision by March.

However, it is known that the easing of the containment measures will be carried out in stages.

The Sunday Times said that a plan was agreed within the government to ease the blockade by region, taking into account the Corona 19 mortality rate, the size of hospitalized patients, and the current status of vaccinations from 50 to 70 years old.

This is YTN Kim Won-bae.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
