[국제]”Women shouldn’t go late at night” Britain’s ears are infested with female murder police


British public sentiment is raging in the case of an incumbent police kidnapping and murdering a woman in her 30s who was returning home in London, England.

In addition to the police’s remarks that women should not go late at night, many women are outraged as a conflict arises in the process of dissolving protests against this.

Reporter Yeojin Lee reports.


Police handcuffs a woman lying on the floor.

They also roughly shove protesters against women.

Then the protesters shout out to the police, saying they think they are ashamed.

“I know you’re embarrassed!” “How many more women should be sacrificed? How many more?”

Sarah Everard, a 33-year-old marketing expert, went missing while she was returning home from a friend’s house at around 9 pm on the 3rd.

A week later, he was found dead in the woods, and the police arrested 48-year-old Wayne Coozens, an incumbent police officer, as a suspect.

The police warned local women not to go alone late at night, and were struck by public opinion with remarks that seemed to pass responsibility to women.

[니콜라 켈티 / 영국 변호사 : 새라는 안전한 길을 택했어요. 조명이 환하고 안전한 길이요. 저라도 그랬을 겁니다. 그녀가 걸어가지 말아야 했고 밤에 걸으면 안 됐었다고 말하는 사람들이 있는데 절대 그렇지 않습니다. 당신이 집에 걸어갈 자격이 있는 것과 마찬가지죠.]

Angered British women shared their fears and held a so-called’recovery’ rally.

However, the police claimed to be in violation of Corona 19 regulations and demanded dissolution and arrested four people.

As the scene of the coercive suppression of the protest spread through social media, voices criticizing the police came out from the politics as well.

British Interior Secretary Pretty Patel and London Mayor Sadiq Khan demanded clarification from the police, saying it was unacceptable.

[헬런 볼 / 런던 경찰청 치안감 : 공공질서 위반과 건강보호법 위반으로 4명이 체포됐습니다. 제가 지금 이런 말씀을 드리는 이유 중 일부분은 우리 경찰의 행동에 의문이 제기됐다는 걸 인정하기 때문입니다.]

Rep. Jenny Jones of the Green Party proposed a male curfew after 6 p.m. for the safety of women, and Kate Middleton was spotted as she visited the memorial space and gave a wreath.

This is YTN Lee Yeo-jin.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
