[국제]”Woman brain dead during protest in Myanmar…family agrees to remove oxygen respirator”

A 20-year-old woman, Keen, who was fired by police in a military coup protest in Myanmar’s capital Naepido, fell into a brain-dead condition, local media reported that her family agreed to remove the ventilator

If the ventilator is removed, the woman will be the first victim to die in protest of the military coup, which is expected to be a significant variable in the pattern of future anti-coup protests.

According to Myanmar’s local media outlet’Irawadi’, a doctor at Nephido Hospital, where Mr. Kin is being hospitalized, said that Mr. Kin fell into a brain-dead condition on the 9th when he was shot in the head and has lived as a life support device.

He also explained that Keane’s family agreed to remove the ventilator on the morning of the 13th local time.

It is known that Mr. Keane participated in a protest against the coup in Naepido on the 9th and was hit by a live ammunition shot by the police while at a bus stop avoiding a water cannon.

Kin was the first to vote during the general election in November last year.

Mr. Keane’s older sister said, “I can’t tell the sadness of my family because of what happened to my younger brother. I want to urge all the people to fight until the military dictatorship is eradicated to compensate for the pain of my brother.”

Myanmar’s military government held a coup on the 1st, saying that serious misconduct occurred in the general election held in November last year, but the government did not properly investigate it.

Since then, street protests condemning the coup have continued for the eighth day across Myanmar, despite the military authorities’ urging to refrain from protests.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
