[국제]With the appearance of machine guns, aiming fire at homes… Myanmar’s “union forces need to intervene”


On Wednesday alone, 38 people were killed, and the bloodshed of Myanmar’s military forces was revealed one after another in a video.

The people of Myanmar urged the UN forces to act directly, saying,’How much longer will the United Nations go forth?’

Reporter Yeojin Lee reports.


A citizen who is already surrounded by the police is walking alone without any resistance and shoots.

He even kicks at someone who has been shot and fell, then drags him to the floor after a while.

They don’t even do street protests and aim their guns at people in the house without hesitation.

You can also hear the sound of machine guns fired continuously.

The suspicion of aiming fire is growing, as most of the dead are shot in the head or chest.

Seven police officers surround one and beat him with a club

Grab the girl’s hair and drag her.

Medical staff are no exception to indiscriminate violence.

Protesters in Myanmar urged UN forces to intervene as they took the lead in the brutal slaughter of the military and the citizens who were supposed to protect the people.

In particular, the’R2P’ (Responsibility to protect) movement, urging the UN to take responsibility for protection, is spreading.

R2P is the principle that the international community should take responsibility if each country fails to protect its citizens due to genocide or war crimes.

It was established as an international norm after a resolution at the United Nations Summit in 2005 and endorsed by the Security Council in 2006.

It was first used during the 2011 Libya crisis to oust the Gaddafi regime, which slaughtered its own people.

An old man holds a picket with the phrase “If you need more bodies to exercise the UN responsibility for protection, kill me.”

But former UN Myanmar fact-finding member Christopher Sidoti told local media Now, Myanmar, that the chances of UN forces intervening at the moment are very small.

This is YTN Lee Yeo-jin.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
