[국제]With a population of 75 million, Hebei Province’exhibition status’… China’s grim

China’s Shijiazhuang surges in infected people in 3 days Total inspection
Designated as the first infection site’high risk area’ Strict movement control
10 highways including Shijiazhuang-Beijing closed… Intercity bus stop


The situation of Corona 19 in China is also unusual.

After more than 100 infected people came out in three days from the metropolitan area around Beijing, Hebei Province, with a population of 75 million, also declared wartime for quarantine.

Correspondent Kang Seong-woong reports from Beijing.


An apartment complex in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province, China.

Residents are waiting for nucleic acid testing in the cold of -10 degrees Celsius.

All 11 million Shijiazhuang citizens are receiving it.

Shijiazhuang City started full testing after the number of infected people surged to over 100 in just three days.

[왕젠펑 / 허베이성 스자좡시 대변인 : 핵산 검사의 범위를 가오청 북부 6개 향·진과 시내 지역의 약 40만 명으로 확대할 예정입니다.]

Gaocheng District, outside Shijiazhuang City, where the infection started, has been designated as a high-risk area.

It is difficult to pass unless it is a quarantine or public service vehicle.

Hebei Province, including Shijiazhuang City, has proclaimed an expansion of the wartime to the entire province with a population of 75 million.

Schools stopped attending school and began to control the outings of residents in affected areas.

Ten highways from the epicenter of Shijiazhuang to Beijing and outside have been closed.

The intercity bus terminal is also closed.

Beijing City also stopped running trains coming from Shijiazhuang.

[펑즈젠 / 질병통제센터 부주임 : 이번 바이러스는 본토 것이 아니고 중국의 다른 지역 바이러스와도 다릅니다. 해외에서 유입된 겁니다.]

In this situation, sporadic infections in the capital Beijing and northeast regions have also continued for the third week.

In Qingdao, another British mutant virus was discovered for the third time in China.

Chinese authorities, which said there would be no large-scale re-proliferation this winter, are getting more nervous as the situation worsens ahead of the Lunar New Year’s move at the end of this month.

YTN Sungwoong Kang in Beijing[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
