[국제]WHO expert team “I don’t know the cause of Corona 19″… controversy seems to continue

“I still don’t know the process of corona 19 outbreak in angry fish market”
“The possibility of a’leakage’ of the Wuhan Virus Lab is very low.”
“It seems to have spread to humans through hosts such as bats and pangolins”
Joint Research China Representative “Wuhan is not the first outbreak”


World Health Organization experts who visited Wuhan, China, said the origin of Corona 19 is still unknown.

It may have been difficult to clarify in a short period from the beginning, but controversy is expected to continue.

Correspondent Kang Seong-woong reports from Beijing.


World Health Organization experts who visited Wuhan, Hubei Province to investigate the origin of Corona 19.

I visited the sites that were controversial and attracted attention, but there were not many results.

We haven’t been able to find out how Corona 19 occurred at the angry fish market.

The Wuhan Virus Research Institute has concluded that the suspicion that Corona 19 was leaked is unlikely to be true.

[피터 벤 엠바렉 / 세계보건기구 전문가팀 주도 : 우리는 우한 연구소의 사고 때문에 바이러스가 유출됐을 가능성이 매우 낮다는 것을 발견했습니다.]

Instead, it was assumed that it would have been transferred to humans via animals such as bats and pangolins.

Liang Wannian, a professor at Tsinghua University who participated as a representative from the Chinese side, argued that Wuhan was not the first outbreak.

It is argued that not only China but also other countries must be studied to determine the full picture of the virus.

[량완녠 / 칭와대 교수(WHO 전문가팀 공동 연구 중국 측 대표 : 외국에서 확보한 자료를 토대로 코로나19가 최초로 보고된 것보다 몇 주 더 앞서 발생했다는 것을 확인했습니다.]

The team of experts also noted that there is also the possibility of spreading through a’cold chain’, or low temperature food logistics.

It is also in the same context as the logic that China has argued.

The WHO expert team’s four-week Wuhan schedule is over, still leaving questions about the main questions.

There has not been much progress in determining the origin of Corona 19, but now China’s voice that experts should go to other countries has grown.

Therefore, despite this visit to Wuhan, the controversy is unlikely to subside.

This is Sungwoong Kang from YTN in Beijing.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
