[국제]WHO “All hypotheses related to the origin of Corona 19 are open”


WHO Secretary-General Thewardross Governor Yeosus said that all hypotheses about the origin of Corona 19 are open regarding the results of the WHO investigation team’s recent activities in China.

He reiterated that although the number of COVID-19 infections and deaths worldwide has recently declined, it is not yet time to release tension.

Reporter Park Sang-nam reported.


WHO Secretary General Thewardross said at a video press briefing on the 12th local time, “A question was raised whether some hypotheses about the origin of Corona 19 were abandoned.”

[테워드로스 거브러여수스 / WHO 사무총장 : 조사단과 협의한 결과 모든 가설이 열려있고, 추가 분석과 연구가 필요하다는 점을 분명히 하고자 합니다.]

He said, “Some of the work may not be within the scope of the investigation team,” he said of the recent WHO-led investigation of the origins of Corona 19 in Wuhan, China.

He emphasized that although this investigation cannot find all the answers, it has secured important information to get closer to understanding the origins of Corona 19.

He then said that related to the reported COVID-19 situation around the world, the number of infected people began to decline for four consecutive weeks and the number of deaths for two consecutive weeks.

However, I emphasized again that it is not yet time to be vigilant.

[테워드로스 거브러여수스 / WHO 사무총장 : 안일한 대응은 바이러스 자체만큼이나 위험합니다. 어떤 나라, 어떤 개인이든 조치 완화나 방심할 때가 아닙니다.]

Regarding the results of the investigation into the origin of Corona 19, he said an investigation team composed of experts from various countries is preparing a summary report of the results, and expects to release it sometime next week.

WHO’s final report will be released within the next few weeks.

This is YTN Park Sang-nam.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
