[국제]Weekend Lacey withdraws all North Korean diplomats and families…Shanghai travel


North Korea, which declared a break with Malaysia, yesterday withdrew all 30 people, including local embassy employees and their families.

The conflict triggered by the arrest of a North Korean businessman by the Malaysian authorities and the extradition of recruits to the United States eventually led to a break in diplomatic relations.

Reporter Kim Tae-hyun’s report.


This is the North Korean embassy in Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur.

Ambassador Yoo-seong Kim makes a brief announcement as the embassy staff and their families are ready to leave and board the bus.

[김유성 / 주말레이시아 북한 대사대리 : 이번 사건은 전적으로 미국의 악랄한 적대 정책으로 만들어진 반북 음모의 산물입니다.]

The North Korean ambassador strongly condemned the arrested North Korean businessman’s extradition to the United States.

Relations between Malaysia and North Korea worsened after the assassination of Kim Jong-un’s Lee Bok-hyung Kim Jong-nam at the Kuala Lumpur airport in 2017.

Malaysian authorities arrested Moon Chul-myeong, a North Korean businessman in her 50s, on charges of laundering money while meeting the ambassadors of the other country.

When Malaysia finally accepted the delivery of the recruits of Moon, which the United States requested in 2019 for violating sanctions against North Korea, North Korea declared a blitzkrieg breakup.

[김유성 / 주말레이시아 북한 대사대리 : 조선민주주의인민공화국에 가장 적대적인 행동을 한 말레이시아와 전면 단교를 선언합니다.]

When the North Korean party arrived at Kuala Lumpur Airport, they were exposed to reporters and completed departure procedures.

A few hours later, they all evacuated by boarding a passenger plane to Shanghai Pudong Airport.

On the 19th, Malaysia ordered North Korean diplomats and their families to leave within 48 hours against Dankyo.

YTN Taehyun Kim[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
