[국제]US victim identification revealed…Biden “must speak out and act”


The identities of four Korean Americans who were shot dead in Atlanta, USA were revealed three days after the incident.

US President Joe Biden traveled to Atlanta on the incident to meet with Asian leaders and urged the Americans to speak out and act on hatred and violence.

Correspondent Taewook Kang reports from Atlanta.


Atlanta police have revealed the identities of four Korean American victims.

These are 74-year-old Park Mo, 69-year-old Kim Mo, 63-year-old Yu Mo, and 51-year-old Kim Mo.

3 are U.S. citizens and 1 are permanent residents.

The victims were found to have been shot dead in the head and chest.

[랜디 박 / 희생자 유가족 : 혼자 키워줬으니까 엄마 말고 다른 말 없을 것 같아요. 여자 부모님이니까 엄마라고 불렀지. 근데 엄마는 한 단어로 말할 수 없어요. 엄마를 설명하기에는 충분치 않아요.]

Condolences continued at the scene of the incident.

An urgently formed Georgian non-Korean-American non-Captain also visited the scene of the incident and expressed condolences.

We also decided to work together to cope with this situation.

[최병일 / 미주 동남부 한인회 연합회장 : 애틀랜타 시청사라든지 나아가서 바이든 행정부 쪽에 인종차별 혐오 방지를 위한 대책 위원회, 정부 TF를 설치하기를 요구하고 있습니다.]

The LA Korean Association, where Koreans live the most, held a protest against automobiles.

President Joe Biden also visited Atlanta.

I met with Asian leaders and held a meeting over this situation.

He stressed that the American people should speak out and act on hatred and violence.

[조 바이든 / 미국 대통령 : 아시아계 미국인들에 대한 증오에 대한 문서화된 사건들이 지난해 급증하는 것을 보았습니다.]

Not to mention incidents that were never reported.

I urged Congress to go into legislation to end hate crimes.


In the midst of this, movements toward hate crimes are spreading further, with Asians foretelling a large-scale condemnation rallies on weekend afternoons in downtown Atlanta.

YTN Kang Tae-wook at the Atlanta shooting accident site[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
