[국제]US Senate’Trump Impeachment Trial’ Begins Second Week in February

The US House of Representatives sent a proposal to impeach Trump on the 25th
US Senate “2 weeks preparation period before the start of impeachment judgment”
Republicans “need time to prepare for former President Trump referee”
Democrats focus on approval and support prior to impeachment judgment


The US Senate’s impeachment judgment on former US President Trump begins the second week of next month.

On Monday (25th), a bill for impeachment will come from the House of Representatives, but both Democratic and Republican parties agreed to deal with urgent issues first and take time to proceed with the impeachment trial.

Reporter Lee Dong-hun.


A bill for impeachment of former President Trump, which passed the US House of Representatives on the 13th of last month, will be sent to the US Senate on Monday.

Unlike the procedure of the House of Representatives, which was carried out by a quick decision, the Senate’s impeachment trial decided to leave a two-week preparation period.

[척 슈머 / 민주당 상원 원내대표 : 관련 서류가 완성되면 (탄핵 심판) 원고와 피고 측 진술이 2월 8일이 있는 주에 시작될 것입니다.]

Earlier, the Republican Party requested that former President Trump needs time to prepare for an impeachment trial.

[미치 매코널 / 공화당 상원 원내대표 : 이번 탄핵은 하원에서 전례 없이 빠른 최소한의 절차로 진행됐습니다, 상원이 같은 모습을 보여줘서는 안 됩니다.]

The Democratic Party also chose to focus on urgently urgent agenda items, such as the approval of new ministers and support for the Corona 19 economy.

The White House expected bipartisan cooperation, saying the impeachment was entirely a matter for Congress to decide.

[젠 사키 / 백악관 대변인 : 바이든 대통령은 오랜 상원 경험으로 양당의 상원 의원들이 미국민을 위해 함께 나갈 것이라고 자신합니다.]

The unprecedented situation of impeachment of the retired president has taken its breath away.

However, the Democratic Party says that only when the truth is revealed and someone takes responsibility for healing and unity is possible, and if impeachment is decided, it is also planning to prevent Trump from taking office in the future on the grounds of’incitement of civil war’.

This is YTN Dongheon Lee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
