[국제]US Senate passes 2,140 trillion won COVID-19 economic stimulus bill…


The US Senate passed the Corona 19 economic stimulus bill worth 2,140 trillion won with our money.

The vote of the House of Representatives is scheduled to take place on the 9th.

Connect with the International Department. Reporter Kim Won-bae!

The amendment was passed in the US Senate, right?


The US Senate passed the Corona 19 economic stimulus bill of $1.9 trillion promoted by President Joe Biden in the early morning of our time on the 6th local time, and about 2140 trillion won in our money.

The Senate revised some of the bill passed by the House of Representatives on the 27th of last month and passed it with 50 for and 49 votes against.

With the amendment passed in the Senate, the US House of Representatives will vote again on the Senate Passing Amendment.

Democratic House Representative Steney Heuer said a vote in the House of Representatives will take place on the 9th.

As the Democratic Party currently occupies a majority of the House, the amendment passed through the Senate is expected to be passed.

Senate leader Chuck Schumer said the House would pass the bill, and President Biden would sign it by the 14th.


Can you tell us the main details of the economic stimulus bill that passed the Senate?


The economic stimulus bill passed by the Senate included payments of $1,000 in cash per adult, extension of additional unemployment benefits, expansion of vaccinations and tests, and support for school normalization.

However, the eligibility criteria for receiving cash has been strengthened to those who earn less than $80,000 per year, about 90 million won in our money, or families with less than $160,000 per year.

The bill passed last month in the House of Representatives allows individuals to receive cash for less than $100,000 for individuals and $200,000 for couples.

If you qualify for cash, CNN explained, you will receive a total of $2,000 in addition to the $600 payment passed last December.

In the case of unemployment benefits, the most controversial in the Senate, instead of lowering the payment from $400 a week to $300, the payment deadline was extended from August 29th to September 6th.

In particular, the proposal to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour, promoted by the White House and the Democratic Party, was excluded, CNN reported.

So far, the International Department has delivered it.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
