[국제]US Senate judges Trump impeachment… inciting civil war vs freedom of expression


With the US House of Representatives passing a bill for impeachment against President Donald Trump, the judgment of the Senate remains until the impeachment is confirmed.

As the U.S. Senate goes through a hearing like a court and judges whether or not to impeach it, it takes longer than the House of Representatives, increasing the likelihood that Trump will be judged after leaving office.

I’ll connect Washington. Correspondent Taewook Kang!

First, the opening of the Senate to judge the impeachment is the 19th, right?


Senate Representative Mitch McConnell of the Republican Party, which is currently the majority party, is in the position that the convocation of the Senate is on the 19th, five days later.

As such, it is inevitable that the Senate’s impeachment hearing in earnest begins only after Biden’s inauguration ceremony.

The process of impeachment prosecution and adjudication as defined by the US Constitution is similar to that of criminal prosecution or trial.

The impeachment trial is a trial to judge whether to convict the president on charges.

The hearing is presided over by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and acts as a judge, while the House of Representatives in prosecution acts as a prosecutor and the Senate acts as a jury.

The Senate goes through the process of judging the allegations and evidence and listening to witness statements.

The House of Representatives has formed a prosecution committee of nine Democrats.


How is the prospect of actual impeachment? You need a two-thirds quorum for the senator?


Still, the majority in the Senate is the Republican.

As such, the Republican Party is taking the lead in convening and proceeding with the Congress.

Republican president-elect McConnell said he could not draw a conclusion before President-elect Biden took office.

As such, the full-scale impeachment trial is expected to begin only after the 20th, the date of the new administration.

At the time the hearing takes place in earnest, the two seats won by the Democratic Party in Georgia are equal to 50 versus 50, and the majority will change as vice president Kamala Harris, chairman of the Senate, takes the casting boat.

Even so, the prospect that it is not easy to finalize impeachment is prevailing, as it is only possible for the Republican Party to vote in favor of 17 or more seats.

However, the decision made by President McConnell, who leads the Republican Senate, is growing negatively toward President Trump.


The key issue is whether President Trump is accused of inciting a civil war, right?


The House of Representatives believes that President Trump incited a congressional invasion in a speech to supporters prior to the Senate-Household joint meeting on the 6th to confirm the election results.

In response, there is a prospect that Trump is likely to argue that his remarks are the freedom of expression protected by the First Amendment.

It is true that I told my supporters to fight, but I was not encouraging violence.

As House Speaker Nancy Pelosi voted on the prosecution, he called President Trump an’obvious and existing danger’.

This is because it is a judgment standard that legally restricts freedom of expression in the interpretation of US Supreme Court precedents.

As a result, the question appears to be whether President Trump’s speech is freedom of expression or whether it constitutes a limited incitement to civil war.

This is Taewook Kang, YTN from Washington.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
