[국제]US-Russia Agree to Extend New Strategic Arms Reduction Agreement for Five Years

The U.S. and Russia have agreed to a five-year extension of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Agreement, a nuclear control treaty between the two countries, and initiated official procedures.

US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin are known to have confirmed the agreement to extend the Newstart Treaty through a phone call on the 26th local time.

According to the TASS news agency, the US and Russian foreign authorities exchanged diplomatic notes on the extension of the news start on the 26th local time.

In a note given to Russia through the embassy in Russia, the US suggested extending the treaty period by five years until February 5, 2026, and the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a response note that it would accept the proposal.

The Kremlin reported that there was a phone call between President Putin and President Biden following the exchange of diplomatic notes for the extended news start.

The Kremlin said, “The presidents expressed their satisfaction with the exchange of diplomatic notes on the conclusion of the agreement to extend the New Start.”

This is the first call between the US and Russian leaders since President Biden took office on the 20th.

New Start was an agreement signed in April 2010 between then-American President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

The main goal is to reduce the number of nuclear warheads deployed by the US and Russia to less than 1,000,550, and to reduce the number of carriers such as intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles, and strategic bombers to 700 or less, respectively.

The 10-year NewStart Agreement, which entered into force on February 5, 2011, was expected to expire on the 5th of next month.

Meanwhile, Russian President Putin soon submitted to his House of Representatives ratification of the agreement on a five-year extension without prerequisites for the New Start Agreement.

In a supplementary statement of ratification, Putin introduced that “in January this year, the two sides agreed in principle to extend the treaty by five years, and on January 26, an agreement on the extension of the treaty was signed between the two countries.”

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
