[국제]US “North Korean ICBM Threats to the US Mainland… Maximizing Missile Defense Capability”


The US commander-in-chief assessed that North Korea had succeeded in demonstrating its ability to threaten the US mainland with nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Therefore, he said he is committed to maximizing the capabilities and capabilities of North Korea’s defense system against ballistic missiles.

Reporter Lee Dong-heon’s report.


In a written response to a hearing filed with the Senate Military Commission on the 16th local time, US Northern Commander Glenn VanHuck said North Korea had a “worrisome” success in threatening the US mainland with the ICBM.

In 2017, North Korea said it had successfully tested three ICBMs that could increase the destructive potential of strategic weapons and put the United States in control.

In particular, he pointed out that at a feverish ceremony in October last year, the new ICBM, which was considerably larger and perhaps more capable than before, was unveiled, raising the threat to the United States.

He said the Kim Jong-un regime believes that such weapons are needed to curb US military action and ensure the regime’s survival.

Therefore, the United States stated that it is committed to maximizing its defense capabilities in response to North Korea’s development of advanced long-range strategic weapons.

[글렌 밴허크 / 미국 북부사령관 : 북아메리카 우주항공 방위사령부의 초기 단계에 있으며 북극에 추가적인 군사 시설을 세우고 있습니다. 우리의 미사일 방어 능력 또한 유지· 향상하고 있습니다.]

The U.S. plans to develop a next-generation missile interceptor that will block North Korea’s ICBM and deploy it in production in 2028.

It is also expected to begin testing long-range identification radars for long-range ballistic missile defense in Alaska starting next month.

Commander VanHuck said that North Korea will no longer be bound by the unilaterally announced suspension of ICBM testing in 2018, suggesting that improved ICBM launch tests could be initiated in the near future.

This is YTN Dongheon Lee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
