[국제]US, more than 20 million cumulative confirmed cases…

The rate of spreading is getting faster… 10 million confirmed cases increased in less than 2 months
Colorado, California, Florida outbreak of mutant virus infection
Some infected people, no travel history… “Estimating community spread”
Poor vaccination support… “It is only 1/8 of the target value”


Although vaccination has begun, the situation for Corona 19 in the United States remains dark.

In the new year, the cumulative corona 19 confirmed number has exceeded 20 million.

We are very excited about the vaccination, but we are not very close to our target.

Kim Hyeong-geun on the sidewalk.


Dodgers Stadium in LA, California, USA.

There is no end to the procession trying to get tested for Corona 19 while in a car.

The situation in the United States has not improved at all even in the new year.

The cumulative confirmed cases exceeded 20 million.

About 1 in 17 Americans are infected with Corona 19.

The infection rate also accelerated, so it took less than two months to reach 10 million to 20 million confirmed cases.

[이므란 모하메드 / 서터 로즈빌 의료센터 책임자 : 아픈 환자들을 점점 더 많이 보고 있습니다. 우리가 지금까지 본 것 중 최악의 상황입니다.]

The number of people infected with the mutant virus from the UK is also increasing.

Following Colorado and California, infections have also been confirmed in Florida.

Some of these are people with no travel history.

This means that the mutant virus has already landed in the United States and is spreading to local communities.

Now, the only place to lean on is the vaccination, and even this is not very good.

Local media pointed out that the number of people who have been vaccinated now is only one-eighth of the target.

People and facilities are not prepared in advance, so waiting for more than ten hours to get the vaccine.

[조 바이든 / 미국 대통령 당선인 : 우리는 지금까지 겨우 몇백만 건의 백신을 접종했을 뿐이고, 백신 접종 속도도 느립니다. 백신 프로그램이 지금처럼 진행되면 백신을 접종하는 데 몇 달이 아니라 몇 년이 걸릴 것입니다.]

In the meantime, there are concerns that the Corona 19 situation will worsen in the future.

Experts said that despite the warning from the quarantine authorities, millions of people traveled during the year-end and New Year holidays.

This is YTN Kim Hyung-geun.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
