[국제]US, more than 20 million cumulative confirmed cases…1 in 17 infected


Although the New Year has come and vaccination has begun, the situation of Corona 19 in the United States remains bleak.

In the new year, the cumulative corona 19 confirmed number has exceeded 20 million.

One in 17 Americans has Corona 19.

The spread of Japan is also accelerating.

Let’s connect with the International Department and hear more news. Reporter Kim Hyung-geun!

The cumulative corona19 confirmed in the United States has exceeded 20 million?


That’s right.

According to the United States’ Johns Hopkins University, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in the United States on New Year’s Day exceeded 20 million in local time.

The number of cumulative deaths exceeded 340,000.

20 million people make up 6% of the total US population.

It says that 1 in 17 Americans have been infected with COVID-19.

In particular, it took almost ten months from the time the first confirmed cases were released until the cumulative number of confirmed cases reached 10 million, but it took less than two months to add another 10 million people.

Health experts are concerned that things will get worse in the future.

Despite the health authorities’ warning to “stay at home,” there is great concern that the number of Corona 19 patients will surge in January and February as a result of this aftermath, as millions of people travel during the holiday season.


Corona 19 mutant virus, which is known to be more contagious, is also emerging from the United States one after another?


That’s right.

Following Colorado and California, a man in his 20s in Martin County, Florida, has been confirmed to have a mutant virus from the UK.

It is known that this infected person has never traveled.

In addition, in San Diego, California, the number of mutant virus infections increased from one to four.

Two of them also have no travel history.

It means that the mutant virus has already landed in the United States and is spreading to local communities, so more infections are expected in the future.


The situation in Japan is also serious. The cumulative number of confirmed cases increased by over 80,000 in one month?


That’s right.

Yesterday, there were 3,200 new cases in Japan.

Accordingly, the cumulative number of confirmed cases has increased to 239,000.

Overall, the rate of increase in confirmed cases in Japan is rapidly accelerating.

The cumulative number of confirmed cases increased by about 17,000 in the month of October last year, by 47,000 in November, and by 86,000 in last month.

Tokyo, the capital with the worst Corona 19 situation, is considering a plan to ask the Japanese government to re-declare the emergency.


Since the end of last year, the Corona 19 vaccine has begun to spread to countries around the world, but the speed of vaccination varies greatly from country to country?


The fastest vaccination rate is in Israel.

In 12 days of starting the vaccination, the number of vaccinations exceeded 1 million.

That’s over 10% of the population.

But France is the exact opposite.

I started vaccinating last Sunday, but fewer than a thousand people have been vaccinated.

This is because there is a lot of skepticism about the safety of the vaccine, and the process of obtaining consent for vaccination is being carried out too carefully.

Eventually, President Macron spoke in his New Year’s speech and urged the vaccination to speed up.

In the United States, it is pointed out that the vaccination rate is much slower than the target.

Local media pointed out that the number of people who have been vaccinated now is only one-eighth of the target for immunization within the year.

The reason for the delay in vaccination is that infrastructure such as manpower and facilities was not prepared in advance.

Due to lack of infrastructure, we are waiting for more than ten hours to get the vaccine.

Although the distribution of vaccines to overcome Corona 19 has begun, the slow vaccination rate is an unexpected obstacle.

So far, the International Department has delivered it.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
