[국제]US-Korea “Reconfirmation of North Korean Denuclearization Cooperation… Efforts to Resume North American Negotiations”


In the first three-party consultations held after the inauguration of the Biden government, the heads of the Korea-US and Japan reaffirmed their willingness to respond through cooperation between the three countries on the denuclearization of North Korea.

In particular, we agreed to continue to strive for early resumption of US-North Korea negotiations, consensus on the urgency of the North Korean nuclear issue and the need for a diplomatic solution.

This is a report from Washington correspondent Taewook Kang.


For the first time in the Biden administration, a discussion was held with the heads of the three national security offices.

We shared concerns about North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs and reaffirmed our commitment to respond to the issue of denuclearization through cooperation.

It has also made it clear that we must cooperate to prevent nuclear proliferation, strengthen deterrence on the Korean Peninsula, and maintain peace and stability.

In particular, as a solution is urgent, we have decided to try to resume negotiations between the United States and the United States in a hurry.

[서 훈 / 청와대 국가안보실장 : 한미일은 북핵 문제의 시급성과 외교적 해결의 필요성에 대해 공감했고 북미 협상의 조기 재개를 위한 노력이 계속되어야 한다는 데 대해서 뜻을 같이하였습니다.]

It is known that a conclusion will be reached within this month regarding the review of the US policy toward North Korea.

In particular, as it is in the final stage, this consultation with the heads of the security office seems to be a place to gather opinions and evaluations from our allies, South Korea and Japan.

The United States maintained communication with us from the outset and decided to reflect opinions through the end.

[서 훈 / 청와대 국가안보실장 : 미 측은 대북정책 검토와 관련해서 현재까지의 진행 상황을 설명하였고 남은 검토 과정에서도 우리 측과 계속 소통하고 협의해 나가기로 하였습니다.]

The heads of the three national security offices also discussed global issues such as Corona 19 and climate change.

In particular, as the semiconductor problem, which is experiencing a shortage of supply, is directly related to security, we decided to strengthen cooperation.

YTN Taewook Kang in Washington[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
