[국제]US journal “Investigating concerns raised in Ramsay papers”


An academic journal that decided to publish a thesis by a Harvard University professor who insulted comfort women victims said it was investigating concerns about historical evidence.

As criticism continues from the educational world, academia, and political circles in the United States, related media are also being dealt with as major issues.

This is a report from correspondent Kang Tae-wook.


In response to YTN’s inquiry, the academic journal’International Law and Economic Review’, which is scheduled to publish Professor Ramsey’s thesis at Harvard University, answered that the comment on the thesis itself was inappropriate.

I asked if the paper was worthwhile and if the relevant evidence was presented properly, but it means that the journal is under investigation and cannot answer.

However, as concerns over historical evidence have been raised, it has said that an investigation is necessary to inform readers.

According to this, publication was assigned to the journal in the March issue, but he said it would temporarily suspend publication.

He also explained that new experts who have not been involved in the review of the article so far will review the article again based on the concerns raised.

He added that after further review and the authors’ responses to concerns, they would decide to take further action, such as revising records related to the paper.

The academic journal’s actions seem to be due to the spread of criticism from the academic and educational circles in the United States to political circles.

[그렉 브래진스키 / 조지워싱턴대 국제관계학 교수 : 그 논문은 심지어 어떤 역사적 증거도 담지 않고 있는 것 같습니다. 존경할만한 어떤 저널이 그것의 주장을 증거로 입증하지 못하는 논문을 게재할 수 있을 것이라고는 생각하지 않습니다.]

An educational media in the United States reported that Ramsay’s claim is becoming an international controversy.

He said that he was considering whether or not to publish the journal.

A political media outlet reported criticism from politicians and academics in the United States.

Many scholars have even included opinions that the thesis is insufficient or even academically fraudulent.

It also said that politicians are continuing to argue that Professor Ramsay should officially apologize.

In particular, among politicians, a number of female lawmakers, including Korean lawmaker Young Kim, are raising their voices.

This is because the issues raised by the thesis are related to women’s rights rather than the past history of Korea and Japan.

YTN Taewook Kang in Washington[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
