[국제]US, EU, Canada, simultaneous sanctions for’human rights crackdown’ in China, sharpening conflict between the US and China


Western countries such as the United States and Europe have imposed multiple sanctions against China for human rights abuses against ethnic minorities such as the Xinjiang Uyghurs.

China is confronting all-round pressure from the Western world, centered on the United States, by strengthening strategic cooperation with Russia and North Korea.

Reporter Park Kyung-seok reports.


The European Union and EU Councils have decided on sanctions on 11 individuals and 4 organizations in 6 countries, including China, North Korea and Russia.

This is why we are responsible for serious human rights violations.

Among them, China included four Chinese officials and one organization involved in the suppression of the Uighurs in Xinjiang.

[호세프 보렐 / EU외교·안보정책 고위대표 : 이번 제재 조치는 매우 심각한 인권 침해와 학대가 벌어졌던 곳들을 대상으로 하고 있습니다.]

In line with the EU, the U.S. also added two Chinese officials to the sanctions, freeze assets in the U.S., and imposed visa restrictions.

Britain and Canada also joined the sanctions, putting pressure on the entire western world at the same time.

China responded immediately.

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it would ban 10 Europeans and 4 groups from entering China.

Steps to strengthen strategic cooperation with Russia and North Korea are also accelerating.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Russian Foreign Minister Ravrov and urged a cessation of internal affairs and collective confrontation.

[화춘잉 / 중국 외교부 대변인 : 오랫동안 미국을 비롯한 일부 서방국가들은 소위 민주주의와 인권이라는 명분 아래 다른 나라의 내정에 간섭하기를 원해왔는데 이는 많은 문제를 일으켰습니다.]

President Xi Jinping and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un reinforced their will to develop relations between the two countries by exchanging oral letters.

In particular, Chairman Kim emphasized the development of North Korea-China relations to a level envied by the world through personal letters.

There are observations that the conflict between the United States and China will become sharper as China is strategically close to Russia and North Korea against the pressures of the Western world, centered on the United States.

This is YTN Park Kyung-seok.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
