[국제]US-China, the first high-level talks after the opening of the Biden administration on the 18th and 19th


The United States and China will hold their first high-level talks on the 18th and 19th after the inauguration of the Biden administration.

The White House said in the talks that it would openly address China’s challenge to the security and values ​​of the US and the alliance, and as a result of the talks, attention is being drawn to the direction the bilateral relations will take.

Reporter Kim Won-bae reports.


The U.S. White House confirmed that Secretary of State Tony Blincoln and White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan will meet with Yang Jietz, Chinese Communist Party diplomatic politician and Wang Yi, diplomatic affairs officer and foreign minister in Anchorage, Alaska on the 18th and 19th.

White House spokesman Jen Saki said the talks are an opportunity to address a wide range of issues, including those with deep disagreements.

[젠 사키 / 백악관 대변인 : 우리는 중국의 조치와 행동, 안보·번영에 대한 도전, 미국과 우리 동맹 및 파트너들의 안보와 가치에 대해 그들이 가하는 도전에 대한 우리의 우려를 솔직하게 설명할 것입니다.]

Saki said the talks will also provide an opportunity to highlight how the United States will defend rules based on a free and open Indo-Pacific and international system.

Saki said the first high-level talks with China are important because they are held on US soil and after close meetings and consultations with Asian-European alliances and partners.

Prior to the first high-level talks between the United States and China, President Joe Biden will meet with the Quad leaders of the United States, Japan, India, and Australia, a consultative group organized for the purpose of checking China tomorrow (12th), to discuss cooperation plans.

Then, Secretary of State Blincoln and Defense Minister Lloyd Austin will visit Japan on the 15th and hold a 2+2 talks between the United States and Japan, that is, the diplomatic and defense ministers’ meetings in Tokyo on the 16th.

According to a report by the Nihon Geizai Shimbun, the United States and Japan are working to include explicit criticism of China in the joint announcement of the 2+2 talks regarding the Senkaku Islands, the disputed territory of China-Japan territorial disputes, and the Chinese name Diaoyudao.

The first high-level talks between the US and China after the inauguration of the Biden administration is expected to be a touchstone for future US-China relations.

However, the Biden administration is also expected to hold talks on the basis of China’s checks, and China is also expected to claim its core interests, so there is little hope that this will serve as an opportunity to improve bilateral relations.

This is YTN Kim Won-bae.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
